Katsuki is back with...?

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" Mrs Venus Life married to Mr Mars Death." She spoke with such pride and honour.

Back in the present with Sakura and Katsuki~

"Haha mmh hah, I have missed this."Sakura gasped out after wholeheartedly laughing. " What happened in your world are they still...?" "Still being horrible and unreasonable? Yes it doesn't seem to be getting better though..."Sakura finished Katsuki's sentence for him, only for Katsuki to reply in a sickening tone, "Sakura What did they do?" " Calm down Kat maybe they are right. I was always the on-" it was now Katsuki's turn to cut Sakura off pratically yelling Katsuki stated, "No you are and always will be useful, stronger then them if I may! It's not your fault that you have to hide who you are from them~!" Katsuki spate the mention of them out in much displeasure." Kat what if it is true? I stay in the dark I am not helpful!"Sakura was on the verge of tears now, outbursting her sentence only angered Katsuki more. "Because they wont allow you!" At that Sakura gave a small, sad smile the tears that were threatening to fall now slowly disappearing. Allowing Katsuki to know that he undoubtedly won the argument, the only question, was what did those idiots say to her? Meaning Katsuki would have to ask Father, Father undoubtedly loved them possibly more than his own children. Father was notorious, showing no mercy to any one who dared disrespect them in any way. Father was similar yet so different from Mother he also was devoted to whatever he was set on, meaning he was unstoppable! Father had dark blonde hair which resembled gold in the dark, it is shoulder length with natural highlights dashed everywhere perfectly. Father's eyes we never saw as he has a chained blindfold on covering them only making him more handsome and mysterious much to his fans pleasure, he covered his eyes to have more control of his powers. Father had a models body yet underneath the shirt was a very buff man, which was very difficult to hide in most opinions, yet he managed. Katsuki then started to debate whether to ask or not mainly due to Father not liking the males in Naruto already, not to mention the other kunoichi's who bullied Sakura for being placed on the same team as that Uchiha not to mention they comment on her beautiful hair. This only makes Katsuki more annoyed, so he did the unimaginable which would most likely get him in trouble, but he didn't give a shit. "Do you want to come to school with me later?" Sakura looked up to Katsuki's face with hope and wonder flashing in her emerald, forest eyes the green swirling in harmony, leading Katsuki to feel like it was the right decision. Sakura squealed when Katsuki showed a determined face, "You meant it! Yes Yes a thousand times Yes!!" Katsuki couldn't help but laugh at his sisters response.

When Katsuki entered his first lesson the six days after the conversation, Katsuki was allowed back in after being excluded for a week. That week was very productive especially since Sakura was there, Katsuki can use his power to its fullest in spars against Sakura. When they walked in everyone's attention turned to us, people were giving Sakura evil glares as the fans were wondering who she was and why we were so close.

Katsuki's P.O.V.~

I saw how everyone was looking at Sakura, I wanted to tear them all to shreds they were annoying me then my eyes landed on Shoto. I could tell that even though he wasn't showing any emotions he was secretly annoyed, why is the one word repeating then it hit me could Shoto my cute omega be jealous? Oh ho ho this is hilarious. "Kat you gotta calm down!" I was dragged out of my thoughts by Sakura I had unintentionally let out a pissed aroma. Sakura then gave a smirk, "Kat who is your loving boyfriend I've heard so much about~?" Oh Sakura is good~ I returned the smirk then nodded and proceeded to walk to Shoto who was still giving evils the teachers then had a brilliant idea to hold another meeting. With the intercom ringing out my name to the world.  That means I have to leave my sister in a school with only one person she knows and someone she knows next to nothing about. Fucking teachers are stupid! Where is Mina when you need her!

Shoto's P.O.V.~

I saw Katsuki come in with a girl with vibrant cotton candy coloured hair, ' who the hell is she?' I couldn't help but be mad I mean we have been dating for over a year and yet he comes in with a stranger who he is... close with.... I am not jealous its... why is he emitting defensive pheromones around her. Then the intercom rang out that Katsuki had another meeting to attend, it probably has something to do with why he was expelled for a week. Nevermind that, it still didn't explain her, as soon as I finished thinking I looked back to see the female walking in my direction. The girl stopped in front of me and took out her hand, expecting me to shake it, all I could do was stare at the soft, delicate hand that was outstretched in front of me. She waited for around a minute then looked a little hurt 'good' I thought smirking on the inside whilst keeping my solemn expression. She then decided to speak since contact isn't working for her, "Hello you must be Kat's boyfriend, I'm Sakura, Kat's sister." She said it with such glee and- wait wait Katsuki's sister? Katsuki never mentioned having a sister and she looks nothing like him. Is she trying to get closer to one of us, or is she trying to get in between us?! I will not allow that! "Yes I'm his boyfriend and I have been for awhile. And not once has he mentioned a sister." She looked taken aback, I mean I did say it with a little bit of venom but who wouldn't. A random girl comes strolling in like she owns Katsuki and the place claiming to be related to Katsuki and thinks she has the right to talk to me like I wasn't actually dating him.

Obtrusive Narrator again!~

Sakura's face showed hurt and confusion 'What have I done wrong?' Sakura then caught on that Shoto stated that Katsuki did not talk about his other family. Sakura didn't really mean to start an argument it kinda happened unconsciously, to be honest Shoto did start the argument by calling Sakura a liar when she didn't answer back straight away as she was lost in her thoughts. Leading to Shoto to believe that she was making up an excuse and that she was hesitating, probably trying to decide whether he was gullible enough. However that was far from the truth Sakura had no idea how to respond, how would you in that situation?  "I bet your so precious and special just cause you can talk to Bakugo. Bakugo's just trying to be nice by allowing you near him!" Shoto was annoyed and irritated now since he still hadn't gotten an answer after ranting at her for around 18 minutes, he started of with questions but after getting no answers started to make mean comments like that one. ".......I'm sorry but it's not like that we really are-" Sakura started but was rudely interrupted by Shoto. "Really are related? No you clearly aren't I mean hello! Bakugo doesn't have any siblings let alone a sister!" Shoto was using fire in his voice making Sakura regret coming as it felt no different as back in her world. "Well proves what you know Kat did and does have siblings! I am actual prove of it!" Sakura had had enough of trying to reason with Shoto. "You aren't proof of anything you look nothing like him let alone act like him!" Shoto retorted back getting more frustrated. "Well if you let me explain I would have been able to tell you that I am adopted! And it doesn't matter if I look or act like him! Not all siblings do!" Sakura shouted very angrily at Shoto, she hated being ignored but hated it even more when people judge before thinking. "So fucking what it doesn't make any difference it just makes me think that you are just trying to get close to Katsuki, even though he has a boyfriend! Which fyi is ME! So go back home and await for your punishment SHOTO!" Shoto then froze he unconsciously repeated one of the many lines his father has yelled at him. This was noticed by Sakura right away, she then walked towards Shoto who was now shaking. Unaware that Sakura was near, Shoto jumped at Sakura's touch awaking him from his dazed state. Then it happened, Shoto broke. Like an overrun damn, the water came out unwillingly. Sakura knew this situation all to well, she hugged him even though she knew nothing about him. The only thing she knew was that he was also abused from a young age much like most from their family. Sakura only broke the hug when she could only hear him sniffling she looked into Shoto's eyes and for the first time in Shoto's life felt like he could trust a stranger with this unbearable burden.

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