A day of mayham.

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So Katsuki has had a havoc time after sending his Aunt Erza out to give news to the league. Aizawa and Iida have been keeping an extra watch on him basically driving him further down the path of insanity (Bro I'm already far down that path, welcome to my life!) Izuku even gained some courage to ask about the mysterious wolf that had exited his room, however Izuku then obviously cowered away stuttering a bit more then usual as soon as Katsuki glared at him. Yet overall the trio couldn't get any further towards the truth in fact it seemed as if it never happened confusing Aizawa further, pressuring him to try to understand. With the league the letter for them came smoothly after scaring Mr.Compress to the point where he literally pissed on the floor at the mere sight of Erza. Erza's wolf form then disappeared to reveal a laughing red haired beauty wearing her usual goddess outfit :

Twice reached for the letter then launched back as he started to conflict on whether to take the letter, greet Erza or see what Toga was doing

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Twice reached for the letter then launched back as he started to conflict on whether to take the letter, greet Erza or see what Toga was doing. Erza blinked a few times before striding past in search for Shigaraki or someone who had some competence. Upon Erza's search she found the letter from Sakura on Katsuki's desk, Erza's usually hard gaze turned soft as she picked up the letter and teleported it to Katsuki, then she resumed. After a solid half an hour of irritation Erza found a Dabi and Shigaraki who were glaring daggers at each other as Toga slept on the couch across them. Erza then did a deep cough trying to interrupt the petty fight. It worked for a second yet they suddenly resumed, Erza became very irritated as her killing intent oozed a little snapping Shigaraki to stand up a little too fast that he woke Toga up. Erza then gave Tomura the letter with a sickening smile on her annoyed face. Then she went poof. 😁

Katsuki was alone in the bathroom agitated and very annoyed he has been bombarded with constant supervision from the trio. Whilst he was plotting their murder in precise detail the letter from Sakura appeared floating, awaiting the grasp of his tainted fingers. As soon as the letter brushed Katsuki's skin it fitted snuggly in his hand the handwriting snapping - quite violently - Katsuki out of his wild thoughts he instinctively traced the perfect curving of each letter of each word. Blinking himself back he flipped over the letter to see the family crest pressed firmly in the glistening wax he tore it off and yanked the page out of the envelope. Katsuki began reading the lone page tears threatening to fall :

Dear Kat,
I'm truly sorry! I really mean it I was stupid, I am naive. I guess I should have told you myself of why I left my world. I truly am sorry for not telling you sooner. I will and have always loved you Kat don't ever forget that I don't want to loose another. It started with my team mates always arguing or fighting I took initiative one day as it became unmistakably unbearable, it was one of the fights I managed to stop them right before they'd kill each other. I stopped it without revealing my powers so don't worry about that, instead they insulted me - well Sasuke Uchiha did, Naruto stayed silent. Somehow over the course of a few months after almost everyone in the village started to hate me. I couldn't deal with it any more I know that I'm a coward and not worthy of being a part of the Life family but I had to run to someone. I endured more than that yet I shalln't name them as you will already want to destroy the village. This letter was mainly my way of a sweet goodbye for a short while Father wants the War to happen sooner than expected. Don't worry again I've seen a fair few battles in my life I will be okay I promise. Kat by the time you read this I will be gone, back to my world don't follow please. I love you and I really want to erase all the pain and hurt from you yet I have to do this in order to do so, Ezmé will always be there to help even if I can't. This is bye for now Kitty Kat Katsuki. Love you and wish you all the luck in the world!
Sincerely, Juju (Sakura). *I'm going to cry....SAKURA😣😫😭*

Katsuki has tears pouring down as he bit the inside of his mouth to stay silent and to try to stop the tears. Yet failed as the tears were overflowing and making long trails down his cheeks, his eyes slowly getting puffy. Soon someone entered the bathroom Katsuki recognised the sound of their footsteps and slightly irregular breathing - it is Denki. 'Why is he fucking here?' As if Kaminari heard Katsuki's thought he responded with, "Yo Bakugo You in here man?" Katsuki tched in anger and opened the door with the letter hidden in his pocket. " Yeah I'm here What did you want Dunce face?" Kaminari gave his quirky smile, " Well Bakubro you were in here a little longer than usual. I-I mean you-could-of-been-doing-a-number-2-but-they-insisted-I-come-and-check!" Kaminari spatt out the last part to try and avoid getting hit again and to tell Katsuki the full story before that could happen.

Katsuki was now following Kaminari towards the table only for the Bakusquad although Bakugo loved the alpha table more as it was more chill. Katsuki sat at the head of the table where he was able to see Shoto a little more, Mina, Sero and Kirishima were discussing a prank they were gonna try after school. Mina then glanced at Katsuki for his input only to pause half sentence causing the others to stare at the usually confident queen. Mina licked her suddenly dry lips and took a gulp of air as she shakily breathed out Mina saw Katsuki's troubled, desperate face realising it only meant one thing. Sakura had gone back to her world. Whenever Sakura left any of the siblings it was an issue to all of them even the ones in the Death family even the two who hate Sakura felt horrible. The boys on the table felt left out they had no idea of why their was a sudden heavy silence yet it did trouble them. Aizawa who was spying on the table this whole time felt uneasy, very uneasy, Sakura seemed wonderful in his eyes for the little time they interacted, a perfect role model. Yet what got Mr Aizawa to have this feeling was that she had such a great impact that there must be more under the (SEA Under the sea) surface. Mr Aizawa then decided to do more research it was then as Mr Aizawa was about to roll away did he notice a white sheet of folded paper peeking out of Katsuki's pocket - 'I didn't set homework nor did anyone else if I remember correctly?' Aizawa then professionally "confiscated" the folded paper - the envelope he realised once it was in his grasp.

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