What will a lover do

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What will a lover do? How far will they go? How far just to see a glimpse of their lover? A glimpse that can and probably will disappear. What can a lover do for their lover? What are they willing to do? That is the question, how and what will they do to see their lover? Will they travel far? Even I don't know any answers to these questions all I can do is help hint the person in a direction. After all I am only the Narrator.

From where we were last. Katsuki managed to escape basically it was close very close. He lost a few hairs it was that close. I guess I should explain his quirk the best I can. Katsuki's quirk makes him immune to all quirks by creating a quirk which is the opposite of that quirk making the others quirk rendered useless that is why Katsuki mainly focuses on hand to hand combat. For example when he fought the class in King Reaper form he focused on Iida this allowed him to use the time manipulating quirk. The quirk he focuses against will be at his disposal at anytime for 24 hours a viewing that is why he has his explosion quirk he sees his Mum everyday. Now let's continue. Shall we?

Katsuki was running, no sprinting the obstacles were becoming easier to dodge yet his stamina was wearing thin, increasingly fast. Out of nowhere Katsuki stopped dead in his tracks. He did a 180 and became angrier he can't leave Shoto in that place alone when they know of the relationship between them. As distance drew closer the school became clear in his sights it stood as proud as it always had been, yet was it right? Did the school have a right to stand proud? Katsuki slipped through drained from the chaos that happened seconds ago maybe he told them his past as he thought it would change their view on villains in general. Although they now probably thought that it was to lure them into a sense of false security to overlook him as a villain. Using his cousin's sensory quirk Katsuki saw his worst fear at the moment. Shoto Todoroki his Lover being escorted by heroes as bait, heroes are truly the real villains Katsuki muttered. Saitama was walking towards Katsuki he placed his hand on Katsuki's shoulder drawing in close he whispered into Katsuki's ear, " Be careful I have a feeling this may end terrible...for someone. " With that Saitama stalked off Katsuki took a slow breath Saitama got that from Venus, she was never wrong. Using his usual ways, Katsuki managed to get in without alerting the vicinity. Testing the waters so to speak Katsuki found that the hero's where...Idiotic. Every hero were acting as if there was nothing to worry about as if they don't believe in Katsuki's devotion and adoration for Shoto. Katsuki let a smile grace his face, he was going to love tearing them apart. Because no one matters to him more then Shoto Todoroki his one and only true lover. Yet is this reason enough?

Katsuki jogged quietly pass the careless soldiers that the world cared so much for. The constant war that forever raged on would never seem to end, as both sides managed to keep up with each sides tricks a new problem would soon arouse. Closing in it finally hit Katsuki Bakugo he was heading to the training grounds the place where he first fell in love with his mate. His mates strength and raw determination of hatred let loose solely by fighting. Katsuki's alpha instincts kicked in when a whimper echoed throughout the changing rooms, halls all reminders, all signs of what is to come. A cry of pain ripped the last part of humanity from Katsuki only for it to be replaced by feral, primal instincts. Katsuki's ears shrank into his face his hair grew a little some strands parted to release some blonde wolf ears, his already wolf-like teeth grew sharper. A tail flowed out as he crouched into an inhuman stance, only an Alpha could preform. Stripes scarred his cheeks, an attempt of being whiskers. A low growl mysteriously left his sealed mouth. Pouncing on all fours Katsuki raced replicating a wolf on the hunt, however the prize wasn't food.

Aizawa had a feeling that using Shoto wasn't going to end well, but Endeavor insisted so with the permission from a parent it was accepted. Shoto himself was devastated after learning that his mate was in fact a villain. A powerful one as well. So with Shoto not knowing that made him not an accomplice, midnight and Vlad King were already off to interrogate the Baku squad. Was his name even Katsuki Bakugo? Probably since everything about that name matches the King Reaper. Everything except the quirk. Did the parents know? They probably didn't care Aizawa concluded. A growl erupted followed by screams of well known teachers and hero's squealching was next after a pregnant silence bestowed the arena. Aizawa and the rest of the hero's in the room cringed.( Ha no other hero is important! Ck you can't say anything you a simp for Aizawa.) Aizawa's breath became shallow shaking. Slowly his eyes wandered to Shoto who had paled drastically almost gagging at the absurdity of his mate being a villain meaning the cause of the unwanted haunting sounds. As if on que Katsuki Bakugo came pouncing in his alpha form. This is the true works of the King Reaper blood caked every inch of his body, bits of flesh undoubtedly not his was hanging off clung by blood and blood alone. His eyes seeming brighter than the fresh coat. In a blink Katsuki was next to Shoto collecting what was his. Aizawa and Endeavor couldn't move in time Katsuki had raced out of there faster than any recorded speed. Endeavor's futile attempt of reclaiming his 'beloved' son almost gave his son a 3rd degree burn if Katsuki hadn't of used his quirk causing ice to cover any exits, as he and his mate escaped.

Back on the original route Katsuki regained human form whilst carrying Shoto. A buzz insisted on being heard along with the slight humm of traffic taking over Shoto's millions of questions swirling in his confused mind. Why was his love a villain? He truly was cursed to die alone. Katsuki answered the buzz ripping the couples uncomfortable silence in two. "What?!" A chirping voice was on the other end Shoto heard only a muffle of a voice not a word could be made of it yet Katsuki could hear it. " I'm on my way back now! Do cover 7-3! Got it?!" A saluting voice on the other end said got it back, Shoto only understood that. Once Katsuki threw the phone in his pocket he looked down at Shoto eyes apologising and held a warmth that made Shoto fall in love in the first place. The hope Shoto needed. The reassurance that their love was real. Katsuki paused he didn't care anymore he had Shoto and Shoto hasn't fully rejected him being a villain yet, this was probably the last time Katsuki could do this. Katsuki bowed his head and rested his forehead against Shoto's. Bakugo was too deep in this relationship. Todoroki had fallen further into it. Katsuki whispered to his beloved " Forgive me. I love you too much." Before Shoto could say another word his lips were entangled his breath stolen like so many other times.

League of Villains and Following Code 7-3 wasn't a great thing. Heck it only lead to chaos and explosions at the least. A portal thanks to kurogiri took them to Saitama where they would hide in his district as it was labled a 'Ghost Town'. They had practises this so many times that it should have been easy to just get what was needed then go through. Yeah, no. They had to be there before their leader to meet up and regroup basically.

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