Chapter 7

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All of class 1-A regrouped in shock not knowing who this villain was although Mr.Aizawa did mention never to go near this class of villain. Mr.Aizawa did notice who the villain was straight away, he hoped everyone else paid attention in his class when he was going over the worst villains in history and the one who is currently outranking all the rest in those history books. Simply put the worst of the worst a villain which no simple trainee can defeat not even a top hero who can defeat the league at once could defeat the King Reaper. King Reaper gave a calm grin that would make a model jealous if he wasn't a villain you would be easily deceived into thinking he was an amazing guy. The King Reaper spoke with a calm silk voice, "Why do heroes have to be so.... uptight. I've only been gone 3 months!" Mr. Aizawa took a massive gulp of fear, slowly losing colour in his cheeks this didn't go unnoticed by Izuku and Sero who were looking at their teacher for guidance, they were the only ones who paid attention. Mina looked at King Reaper with a face of fake determination and fake fear, "King Reaper what have us peasants done for you to graciously present your noble self." Mina was trying too hard not to laugh, The King Reaper was not impressed he glared at Mina secretly laughing on the inside yet was also pissed as he hated when people disrespected his name. " Do you find it wise to speak in such disrespect for people your age~!" most now had there jaws open gaping like fish at his comment. Denki spoke, "Y-G-Du-Your o-egh?-our age?" " possibly? Why should I tell you?" Mr.Aizawa now knew the only piece of information towards the King Reapers true identity he also cursed mentally at sending Katsuki Bakugo home after being an idiot and pairing him up with Izuku Midoriya. As he thought if Katsuki was here than they would at least have a chance of survival.

Mr.Aizawa was the first to strike using his disabling quirk, it managed to disable the explosion quirk which was best for King Reaper not for class 1-A though. Mina looked disgusted at their teacher as he attached knowing what he can do without a decent plan, soon all of class 1-A followed suite, The King Reaper took one look at the band of hero's attacking without thought. It was at that moment that time slowed down, King Reaper has many quirks this being one of them- when King Reaper looks at any clock he can manipulate time to his will any way possible, meaning he can slow, fasten, reverse or stop. King Reaper walked through the slow moving group King Reaper placed Iida who looked like he was now walking weirdly, in front of Sero's tape line, then he used some of Sero's tape to tie all the girls including Mina (though he despised the idea). After what seemed like 10 minutes, King Reaper proceeded to mess up there uncoordinated attack Mineta was in front of Denki meaning he will be electrocuted, much to his dismay King Reaper had to place Shoto against Izuku so both their quirks will manifest into each other potentially hurting both, King Reaper then was getting bored of sabotaging everything. So he placed the rest in a metal cage with a metal base and top, the bars thick and gaps scarce. King Reaper then resumed time to its original pace once he was a good distance away from the damage that will come soon. As the King Reaper suspected when time caught up Shoto and Izuku caused a massive disturbance compared to the others. Pieces of ice shattered and scattered in every direction injuring a few of their class mates. Every student froze when they realised that the King Reaper was on the other side of the training field laughing a deep hypnotic voice with a sickening meaning behind it- they screwed up big time! Then King Reaper disappeared before they could attack again or ask any questions.

Back at the L.O.V mansion~

Toga's P.O.V ( betcha didn't see that coming)

I had only just came back from my assigned mission from Leader, though he doesn't act like it he cares about our comfort and how we feel towards our missions - or it could be he just knows we'll be good at it. I walk in to Leader's office only to find it empty or so I thought, I let out a sigh then turned to leave when I heard a *Thunk* "Hey, whose there come on out!" I called out unknowingly, I guess my instincts took over or something cause next thing I knew I was walking to the marble desk. " Shiggy what are you doing?! " I shrieked at who I saw, why was my boyfriend searching in Leader's office? Did he want to die?! "T-Toga wha-what are you doing here...hehh" Shiggy exclaimed nervously, which I replied," I came to report my mission's success, but you haven't answered my question!" Shiggy let out a long sigh. What was wrong was Leader planning something without telling Shiggy or was Shiggy having a bad day? So many questions swarmed my head I almost didn't here his answer. "Well Toga, Leader has an omega-" I squealed interrupting Shiggy making him more frustrated, I couldn't stop myself, what is wrong with me today I scolded myself mentally, " Who is it? Are they male or female ooh possibly non-binary? Are they cute? Tell me Baby please tell me tell me!!" After that I could see Shiggy blink a few times probably trying to process my over excitement. After he processed it his face went red with...blush? Then it stuck me I called him 'Baby' shit I was mentally scolding myself I hadn't realised that Leader was now in the doorway snickering while Shiggy was stuck frozen.

Side note:

Sorry it took awhile I was off the grid at my Aunt's then had to decorate my room, got a new sister coming soon. You know since two girls ain't enough. I'll try posting another chapter this week but it's my sisters Birthday on Sunday- I hate being the oldest. So sorry again and Happy Birthday Hal you are annoying but you can be useful. Bye

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