What The Absolute FUCK

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King Reaper was snickering in his own office doorway whilst a frozen, blushing Tomura was behind his desk literally emitting steam at this point, whilst Toga was in deep thought. King Reaper entered and went to his desk passing both not wanting to awaken them from there hilarious state, planting himself comfortably in his fluffy, Spinny chair although it didn't look fluffy at all! The one to break them from their trance was the other boyfriend - Dabi. Who stormed in not really caring who's office it belonged too, this always made King Reaper's eye twitch, Katsuki coughed roughly startling Tomura and Toga. All three: Toga, Tomura and Dabi turned to face Katsuki then proceeded to line up in front of the desk much to Katsuki's pleasure. To Katsuki and everyone's surprise another burst through the door this person Katsuki knew personally and at the mere site of them made him want to rush and hug them and never let go. "Good morning Mr Bakugo, Miss Haruno requests your presence." Not a moment sooner Katsuki dismissed the trio and locked his door, initiating the soundproof enchantment on the doors and walls. Then he turned around seeing the person still there he launched himself at them now crying. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner Kat " the person spoke softly in his ear as they tightened the embrace. "It doesn't matter as long as your here now!" Katsuki sobbed in the crook of their neck hoping they would stay with them, the hug ended after they decided that it was time to let go.

Sakura's P.O.V

No this is not a massive crossover thing, this is only possible thanks to Mrs Life. She has a power known as the Goddess Moment she basically adopted us after finding out about our families. I should probably introduce myself, I am Sakura Haruno from the anime called Naruto. I am powerful yet I had to blend in I already stuck out like a sore thumb, with my vibrant pink hair. Most will hate me and call me weak but I must tell you, Mrs Life only picks those with great potential she was always there for me. Katsuki was also one that our Mother chose everyone who knows her loves her, its the way she is, we both have terrible family issues, Kat still has them. "How is Mina doing? What about you, how are you, Kat?" I asked trying to start a conversation in this comfortable stillness, Kat looked at me then at the picture on his desk smiling warmly. The picture was of our makeshift, loving family as the youngest stated 'we are the peculiar children of the Death tree', you see our Mother didn't take our father's last name as Mother didn't want to lose her only heritage so she passes her last name to us not her biological children as they inherit the Death surname. Mrs Life (Mother) was smiling her loving megawatt smile embracing us; the youngest in front of her- Elizabeth Midford who is hugging Tanjiro who is laughing with Nezuko, who is in front of Tomura. Tomura is on Mrs Life's left side holding on to her for dear life, I am on her right giggling at the scene with Katsuki laughing with me, Killua was on Mrs Life's shoulders laughing hysterics. All in all it was an amazing day, however not everyone could come that day. "Mina is doing good. She is in 1-A, she also forced me to join. I'm also doing better now that your back." Katsuki spoke startling me out of my thoughts I laughed at the part of Mina forcing Kat into 1-A it was hilarious, Mina is a great friend so we can talk about anything and still be friends. "How are you Sakura are you okay, what about those males?" I chuckled again Katsuki really hates the males in my world as there are apparently all perverted, which I can actually believe.

14 year old Tomura's P.O.V.~

( Back story on how he knows Mrs Life and why the picture taken 5 years ago was the closest thing he has of seeing Mrs Life as he believes Mrs Life has died. ) I was six when Mrs Life found me I was constantly rejected be people as they thought a hero would come and help me or they didn't like the look of me, so I was expecting Mrs Life to walk around me like everyone else does. It had been a month since I was adopted by Mr Shigaraki he allowed me to wonder and do what I like in exchange he made me a villain and said,"You'll be the leader of a league when your old enough." I didn't like it at the time but I liked how he instantly took me in. Mrs Life took one look at me and placed her hand on my shoulder, I'll admit that I was worried back then I thought she was going to hurt me. Instead she spoke softly and gave a reassuring smile,"Hello dear are you alright you seem worried, would you like to come with me away from these crowds?" I was shocked and before I knew it we were walking towards a nice, huge mansion I was in awe. Mrs Life understood the way that I felt, "I know it looks nice, but you should come in dear. I don't want you to be ill." Mrs Life gave me a wonderful and magical smile that made me feel happy and .... wanted. All I could do was nod and follow she looked confused as to why I didn't accept her hand yet nethertheless she didn't raise her voice or strike me but she smiled again then walked as if knowing I would follow.

Once inside I saw beautiful cherry-tree wooded walls and a fantastic family crest that was both intricate and symbolic. I was in awe no I was astounded, Mrs Life then turned to face me we were in her kitchen now a strong, delicious smell wafted through the air as she opened the oven. About half an hour later I was seated at a mahogany table with a pint of blackcurrant juice, a small glass of pure apple juice, a bowl of soup with bread and a separate plate with 3 amazing cookies neatly placed on it. I unconsciously bit my bottom lip in fright and confusion, ' why is she being nice to me? I don't even know her name!' "Young man, what's your name?" Mrs Life softly spoke tearing me away from my thoughts turning my head to the head chair of the table. " M-mah-my name i-is Tomura." I again bit my lip I was nervous in fact I was in more shock when Mrs Life responded with, "What a lovely name dear. Oh! Where are my manners! I am called...."

Hi I would like to give a shout out well text out to _ThePowerOfAnime_ they are amazing and fun for small chat. Thanks by the way I liked having a small conversation with you. The next story will be out next week ON TIME. Please don't be mad with my slight crossover I have a whole story regarding the mix up of a family, I had it for a while and I just had to add it. It was bound to happen sooner or later- it's how I connect my universes.

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