Close Call?

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Katsuki Bakugo was still in that interrogation room a day later, he spilled the trauma list to Indilla, he was aware the principle and Aizawa had heard everything and were descending down a very dark path of committing murder. The list of trauma ended as the most recent being a week ago as the woman who handed his parents the money didn't count it right so he got a beating worse then others yet wasn't as bad as the time he had during that week off. Indilla took a shaky sip from her glass of water," Okay Mr. Bakugo you are still here because in the list you gave after I reviewed it. Umm.. we need to take care of your parents, you mentioned having other parents to go to. Also you never mentioned the kidnapping from the league." Aizawa stopped his scheming to squint his eyes in confusion, Nezu never changed he sat there not moving. "Yeah, obviously they ain't done shit that bad all they did was try to manipulate me into joining. Sure they brought up part of my past to convince me but it didn't work." Katsuki may have been under the watchful eye of others and one having a mind quirk, yet that didn't mean he wasn't the best liar, he could even convince the God of lies he was telling the truth. Even if it was far from it. He was the perfect tool, always in control of everyone in the room. Sure he has been telling the truth all apart from then. Katsuki Bakugo and Indilla jumped at the quick static and concerned voice of Aizawa that was talking like a mad man, "Bakugo your Father when I asked about the letter stated that the door I saw you open was to a mansion gifted to you from those other parents. Where would that be? The address I mean." Katsuki looked straight into the wall where the overwatch room was Nezu felt a sudden urge to hide as his life would depend on it yet chose to stay as it was necessary for him to be there. Also the feeling was not needed considering where they were.

{Aizawa P.O.V}~

All of this is..... it's madness if they didn't want the poor boy or any of his siblings they should of gave him up for adoption, or something. Not make them go through hell and back because of their needs and desires. Their mistakes. That house I need to go visit it, apparently it's on Offing Lane. (Narrator) Offing Lane one of the richest streets, very far from U.A. However is known as the safest part, villains are never - if so rarely- spotted there. Last time a villain was spotted there they were the first and last of the cases, it was when meta abilities were still new around the Vigilantes Era so many years ago. The villain was a pawn for All for one during his greatest scheme, where he managed to con half the world into believing that his motives were pure. Damn it I'm getting a lift no way am I running, jogging or walking that far, no one in there right mind would. Katsuki was staring at me, it's as if he had something else he wanted to say. What? "Aizawa, on my phone there is an emergency list of five numbers go to the last one and call them. They will take you to my house." The Fuck did Katsuki... huh.... never mind. I did as instructed, aww his home screen is of cats, kittens and puppies all piled around Katsuki. Focus. Ah emergency list. Wow first is Sakura, next Mum, third is Killua? Don't know him. Fourth is Aunt Erza, mmmh okay? And last is the one I need, it's an uncle. Called Saitama, wait isn't Saitama that really strong vigilante or anti-hero, caped baldy? No it was One Punch Man fitting considering it did take him one punch to defeat those villains, aliens all the weird creatures we had back in the Monster Era. Very dark times. He is a legend, stronger than All might and his ancestors with that quirk. Anyway. "Hello Katsuki what's wrong?" ...... He is one of my idols! Try and sound fine, totally normal. "Sorry this isn't Katsuki, this is Katsuki's sensei. Bakugo told me to call you off of his phone as you can help me get to Offing Lane? I have some things to get from there for Bakugo." Please may that be alright. Was my voice too high? I think it was! " Ah okay. I will be there in a few minutes. Uhm where am I going?" "Oh yes you haven't been here before." Oh Kami-sama help. "I am at U.A. academy for heroes in training." Why is he now so silent? He might be getting ready! Shit! "Right I will be in the overwatch room soon." "Ah okay- wait wh" He hung up, he is coming here. He is coming here! How does he know where we are! Will he be here soon!

{Narrator's loving P.O.V}~

Aizawa looked dazed, he clearly wasn't on this planet right now. Nezu was looking at Aizawa and glancing at the phone, from what he had heard the greatest vigilante was coming very soon. A minute had passed the thin hand that ticked was ticking as slow as possible they all thought, the door then slammed open falling plainly to the ground the hinges mere second later also making the only remaining sound as Nezu gazed at the man who was holding the door handle the most bored, plainest face was plastered on his face unchanging as he quickly, apologised sincerely, " Gomenasai, I turned it a little to harshly." The pure mouse spoke in an unsure voice, "That's fine as long as everything is fine. Standard procedure first, how are you related to our pupil Katsuki Bakugo?" Saitama carefully lifted the door and placed it on the wall next to the door, "I'm his Uncle from his adopted Mother's side, known as the vigilante or hero One Punch Man, Saitama here to drop Aizawa off at my nephew's house. This room is cool. Oh Kat HI!" he waved at the screen which showed Katsuki, Katsuki was surprisingly waving back. Scarf man shared a very confused look with big-brain mouse and wordlessly began to point towards the now doorless frame and slowly walk in a sign for them to be off. Saitama followed his white cape rippled flawlessly behind him as he turned mindlessly sticking his pinky in his ear out of boredom.

Aizawa (Scarf Boy) dozed off in the car on the way to the house, it was a comfy car - perfect temperature as well. Saitama placed his hand on Aizawa's shoulder about to shake him awake, when Aizawa awoke due to the sudden coldness and sudden stop. Aizawa honestly had the fright of his life awaking to see his childhood anti-hero he personally thought declaring Saitama as a vigilante was wrong as everyone would have been killed without him, he will always be his hero. Aizawa stepped out of the car to see the cleanest street he had ever seen, the pavements a pristine white and grey marble, held 5 separate mansions on each side and a grande mansion that was larger than the others as the end next to the large park with a zoo inside it. Aizawa noticed there were massive, quirk protected iron gates from behind, 'That must be the way in and out.' "You alright there Aizawa? We must walk the rest of the way." Saitama held some concern in his voice yet it soon disappeared. Aizawa again was to shocked to say anything and followed Saitama mindlessly unable to think this time though as he began to admire the streets beauty even more with each step. The tree petals were gracefully twirling in the dance of the flowers the trees were in a pattern of; Star magnolia (magnolia stellata), Ivory chalice magnolia, Wolf eyes (cornus kousa) and Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) covered the hedge walls that some houses had. Aizawa then realised that they had walked past most of the houses, they were now heading towards the main house at the end. Aizawa then realised the inhabitants of the other houses had been waving and striking small conversations with Saitama, Aizawa felt out of place, yet continued as if nothing was wrong.

Hello hello it's NeroRomanLeader here well I hope you remember that sneak peak from Chapter 13: Mr Aizawa playing detective because that comes in next! See you next chapter hopefully it comes out more on time.~

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