Chapter 6

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Katsuki was gone all day Shoto was starting to worry as his boyfriend had never missed a day off school voluntarily last time it took the whole class to keep him in bed as he was terribly ill yet he insisted that he was well enough to go attend school. As time ticked on class 1-A was becoming restless even Mr.Aizawa couldn't hide his worry anymore, Shoto was the only one who could keep his composure though his mind was racing leading to a different story then his outside expression. He was racing through all the possible outcomes as to why Katsuki was not in, yet it was completely different with Katsuki. Katsuki was with the L.O.V he didn't mean to skip school today however he needed to do some actual work his pain was starting to get the best of him so the only way to remove the pain is to use his main quirk. The pro heroes heard of how king reaper was out working again though they knew not to go after King Reaper when he hasn't been on the field in a good few months. The King Reaper becomes merciless, he has an infinite amount of bloodlust which makes him at his most dangerous.....or so they thought. Katsuki had yet to use his power to it's full potential which only Shigaraki knew of, meaning he was trusted though I have no idea how he managed to get his trust as only three people in their world had his full trust one of which was presumably dead. The three was his secret brother Natusi who left Katsuki when he was old enough; his hair was the same dark brown of his father's yet he had their mother's crimson red eyes he was tall and an alpha as well, which is expected. Second was his sister Hajora as described before her hair was mainly dark brown with natural blonde highlights that blended perfectly her eyes were the same as their Father's yet had a twinge of red in them. Lastly was Mina she was surprisingly little Bakugo's first friend she knew of the bullying and everything, she actually knew of him being a villain and convinced him to come with her into U.A though he did literally throw up at the idea.

Mina was actually the one who was not worried in the slightest yet she had to act she told Katsuki that everyone was worrying through text:

'Bakuhoe they are all worried!
                                                               Mina I ain't finishing the mission early for those fucking other weak ass heroes^
'OK! Though Todoroki is seemingly stressing out and unable to concentrate....
                             I hate you sometimes Mina...FINE!! I'll be there in half an hour just....say I had a family emergency^
'See you soon and love ya too!

This made both tense up at the thought of Katsuki's family Katsuki froze when Mina wrote 'love ya too' he didn't like that but he made the exception this time as she typed it with good intention. He then put the device back in his belts secret compartment, revealing a hero that was A-ranked in the villain society tied to an old wooden chair by hot chains King Reaper was all the hero could muster when seeing the villain to say he was scared would be an understatement he was petrified and in pain the chair had sharp splinters stabbing into him the chains were getting hotter if it was possible. The King Reaper gave a sickening smile to the confused hero Katsuki knew why he leaned forward to the heroes ear, whispering "They are chains made from the God of death and destruction - Marsat" the hero almost screamed at the name of the mythical chains that only brought a slow painful death they were built for the God's tortures a quick pain jolted into his spine almost causing the hero to have a spasm attack. After the torture Katsuki teleported in front of U.A he skulked in with a face of satisfaction growing more clearer when he neared his class. Mina sensed him coming so Mina quickly opened the door to reveal a Bakugo who had a soft aura about him scaring the shit out of everyone other than Mina, she raised an eyebrow with a smile. Katsuki Bakugo was happy and relaxed as he was able to use his hidden quirk for most of the day.

It seemed like Bakugo wanted to taunt U.A he was excluded for a week as he had almost killed the fake alpha, for some reason Mr.Aizawa thought this was a good idea to pair them up. Katsuki knew he wasn't allowed in as Katsuki Bakugo but if he came in as the most villainous villain there was......he strolled on the grounds unnoticed as the King Reaper. Class 1-A was training Bakugo looked over the groups still unnoticed and appearing to hide from view his eyes paused glued to a pair; Izuku Midoriya was training with Shoto Todoroki. The King Reaper having defeated many of powerful heroes made a grand appearance in front of the class startling everyone, he destroyed most of the ground with a single punch.

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