You Have To -Monkey D. Luffy

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**Watch Video at your own risk. It might make you cry.**

"Y/N!! Come play with us!!" Your Captain, Luffy, was yelling at you from the main deck. You were currently on watch in Crews Nest(is that what its called?)

"I'm on watch, Luffy!" You looked down at him. He was pouting. 'So cute~' you mentally slap yourself for thinking that.

You then see Luffy with a huge smile on his face. 'Oh no'. Next thing you know Luffy is flying up to you. He ends up landing on you.

He sheepishly smiles.

"Sorry about that, Y/N." You could tell he wasn't sorry. Not one bit.

"Whatcha need, Luffy?"

"I'm bored and you won't come play with us, meanie." He pouts again.

"Nami put me on watch and I prefer not to be yelled at today." You see how upset he gets over that.

"But you have to play you me."

"And why's that?"

"Because I'm the captain and your my friend. You have to" he states with a huge smile.

You smile at your extremely adorable captain.

"Luffy. I have two more hours on watch then Zoro has to watch. Can you wait?"

"Buuuut y/n~" he started whining.

"How about you stay up here with me?"

He eyes lit up slightly.

"Okay!! You'll have so much fun--" you kinda quit listening to him rambling.

~~~~~ One Hour Later~~~~~~~

"Y/N-chan~ I brought you a sweet snack." Sanji cooed.

"Oh. Thanks, Sanji." He smiled and walked away. You take a bite of what Sanji brought you. It was sweet and chocolaty.

"Y/n can I try?" Luffy asked. More like begged. You nod. He comes over and puts his lips on yours.

Your e/c orbs widen at what he was doing.

He pulled away with a big smile.


"Shishsishi. It tastes sweet." He started laughing. You were working up a mad blush.

"Uh hey are you okay? Your face is really red. Are you sick?! I can go get Chopper--"

"Luffy I'm okay don't worry." He didn't look convenienced but he still nodded.

"Okay but please tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing just a little cold." Which was true because it was cold outside and you weren't wearing much.

He nodded and took off his jacket.

"Luffy? What are you doing?"

"You're cold so I'm giving you my jacket. Sanji said whenever a lady is cold give them your jacket." He said with a small smile. He wrapped the jacket around you.

"Thanks, Luffy. But what about you? You'll get cold."

"I'll be fine. Shishi."

"Y/N!! You don't have to look out anymore. Zoro is coming up." Nami yelled from below you.

"I guess I can play with you now." You look up at your captain. He shakes his head no.

"Nope. Your cold."


"C'mon." He said walking away. 'Wait what?'

You follow your captain to see what he was planning.

"Your walking too slow." He says grabbing your hand. You blush at the contact.

You end up in your room. 'Huh?'

"Luffy. What are we doing in my room?"

"You are going to sleep and get warmed up. I'm going to get Sanji to make me meat!" He started drooling. You giggle at his stupidity.

He begins to leave the room.

"Luffy! Wait." You take his jacket off and you get it to him. "You'll get cold." He smiles.

You head to bed. You were beat.

~~~~~~~Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~
Running running. What else to do? What happened? Where is everyone?

"LUFFY!!!!!!" You spot the straw hat and ran to it. You pick it up. 'Luffy where are you?'

"Huh? It seems we forgot one straw hat." You look up to see a rather large man. He was holding a bloody body.

He sees you looking at the body and throws it at your feet. You see it was Ace. You gasp.

"ACE!! What did you do?" You begin crying over your childhood friend. He always protected you and now he was gone.

"Haha you're crying over scum like him." You felt the anger in you raising. "What about your captain?" He smirked and throw another bloody body at your feet. You recognize the red vest.
"Luffy?!? This can't be happening. You can't die yet!! You have to become the pirate king. LUFFY!!!!!"

You wake up with a start. You felt tears running down your face. It was just a dream.

"Y/N!!!" Luffy burst in your room. "Are you okay? I heard you scream. Wait. Why are you crying? Who made you cry?!? I'm going to kick their ass!!" You see him and you run to him.

You wrap your arms around him.

"Luffy.." You start sobbing. He didn't know what to do so he hugged you back.

"What's wrong?"

You tell him about your dream.

"Y/n you should know I won't give up like that. I'll always be there to protect you." He smiled at you. "And Ace promised us he will never die."

"Your right." You look up at him. "I'm sorry."

"Please stop crying." He says brushing away your tears. You nod slowly.

He leans down and kisses your cheek. You look up at him shocked.

"Makino said whenever I love someone that is how you let them know." He said with a big smile and a slight blush.

You smile and lean up and kiss his cheek.

"That means you like me too!!" You nod and loom down, blushing.

He hugs you tightly.


I literally cried while writing the dream. Ace I'm sorry if it made you sad. I take full responsibility.

Another then that I hope you enjoyed it.

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