But Why? - Killer

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You were the cook for the Kid Pirates. It was hard being the only girl on a pirate ship with a group of rowdy idiots.

They had no manners. Heat and Wire had their elbows on the table every meal and worse of all Kid he made ignoring slurping sounds.

Killer, on the other hand, had manners. He would always say thank you and never made weird sounds while eating.

You may or may not have a crush on this masked killer. You never seen his face but you loved his kind heart. Sometimes when everyone was bored, Killer let you play with his long blonde hair. Which was extremely soft for a guy's hair.

Right now you were cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. You thought everyone was in bed or in their rooms, but Killer was on his way to help you clean.

"Hey, Y/N." You jump at the sudden voice.

"Oh! Hello, Killer" you smile before continuing, "what do you need?"

"Nothing. I came to help."

"That's very sweet but I have it."

"Too late I'm here so I'm helping."


After you two finished cleaning, you try sneaking up behind him to take off his mask.

"What are you doing?" Killer asks catching your arms. You smile shyly.

"Well you see. I wanted to see you without your mask."

"But why?"

"Because I just do. Please~ Killer~"

"Okay fine." He slowly begins taking off his mask.

"Killer~ you're so cute~~ why do you wear this mask?"

"I don't know really." He looks down blushing.

He soon looks up and his eyes meet yours.

"My lips are lonely" he mumbles leaning in.

You follow his lead and kiss him.

"Thank you for introducing our lips. I think they will be seeing more of each over." You blush at the cheesyness.

"I would completely okay with that."

He smiles and kisses you again.


I tried him. I failed didn't I. I'm sorry.

Request more!! I'll be doing Smoker and Crocodile because they were requested.


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