Don't You Dare- Marco The Phoenix

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You were sad and depressed. There wasn't really a reason you just were.

You were sitting in your room alone while the rest if the Whitebeard pirates had a party. You didn't want to be in anyone's way so you stayed in your room.

Marco was on deck looking for you. He wondering around trying to spot you h/c hair. He was having no luck. He soon decided to check your room.

You were in your room crying. You were thinking about everything until you started crying. You had a small knife in you right hand. You were ready to end your life. You were scared about everything. You thought no one would care. Little did you know some BirdBoy cared a bit too much.

Marco opened your door to find you crying on the floor with a knife in your hand. He saw what you were about to do.

"Y/N don't you dare." He said with the sternness voice he could mange at the moment. You quickly look up at the 1st division commander.

"Why? It wouldn't matter if one crew member died." You put the blade to your wrist and was about to cut it, when Marco tackled you. He held your wrists down with one arm and took the knife away with the other.

"I won't let you. I love you too much to let you hurt yourself."

"Y-you what?" You were completly shocked at what he said.

"I would be broken if you hurt yourself so don't." He built up the courage that he needed and leaned in. He softly kissed you.

You were shocked at what he was doing and what he said that you completly forgot that he was straddling you.

You soon unfroze and kissed him back.

He smirked as you did.

"Your not going to hurt yourself again are you?" He mumbles on your lips. You nod.

"Never again." He smiled and picked you up off the floor. He placed you on the bed and layed down with you.

He wrapped his arms around you and went to sleep.

"I have a reason to live now." You mumbled and went to sleep.


I love Pineapple. ❤

A red haired idiot that I also love will be next. ;3 he cute~!!


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