My Idiot- Shanks

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You were in love with your idiot captain. It wasn't something you really wanted. It just happened. You noticed every stupid thing he did but still couldn't bring yourself to not like him. Maybe it was his smile, his hair, his looks or maybe his personality.

This idiot stole your heart and you don't think he was ever giving it back.

Shanks was thinking something along the same lines about how you stole his heart. He was head of heels for you. ((Which is ironic because he drinks CX.)) He loved you e/c eyes, your h/l h/c hair, and your smile. Oh that smile that made his heart stop.

The red haired pirates were currently drinking in the island's bar that you were at. You sat quietly at the bar drinking a glass of wine(or something else that won't get you drunk ^.^) while your crew was being loud and getting drunk.

Yassop knew about the captain's little crush and decided to help out a bit.

After Shanks had a few drinks, the plan took place.

Yassop waved you over.

"Hey,brat. Can you take boss to the ship? He seems quite drunk." You look and see your captain grinning a grin that says 'I'm drunk and this is going to kill in the morning'.

You nodded and helped him up.

He had his arm around your shoulders as you walked to the ship.

~~~Timeskip cuz I'm lazeh~~~~~~

You made it back to the ship with a captain that kept trying to kiss you. You pushed him back everytime.

You walk him to his room and help him take his shoes and belt off. You turn the light off and go to leave. Shanks apparently had other plans. He pulled you back into his chest and held you tightly.

"Shanks!! Let go!" You yelled squirming. You heard light snores from him. You tried to free yourself one more time before giving up and resting on his chest.

"Goodnight, Shanks." You soon fell asleep. You didn't know that Shanks had tricked you and was awake the whole time. He smirked at you.

'Finally!!' Shanks thought

"Goodnight, sweetheart" Shanks said kissing your forehead before going to sleep.


Wow I'm on a roll. Haha love you all!!


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