Damn Woman!!-Zoro

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You were quite the hellcat(basically being called crazy). You were a good fighter but you also loved to prank people.

Your main target was Zoro because he was always sleeping so it made it easy and dangerous. Zoro never suspected you though because you would train with him and you two were fairly close. Today he decided to trick whoever played a prank on him.

You found Zoro sleeping. Real shocker there. You were bored and wanted to train with him. So you decided to wake him.

"Oi. Zoro" you said poking his ribs. He squrimed a little. Meaning you poked right between his ribs.

"Zoooroooo please wake up" he was awake but he wasn't letting you know that.

"Y/n~chan why don't you pay that much attention to me?" Sanji kinda wined.

"Because you do stuff like that and plus I want to train with Zoro" Zoro caught this and slightly perked up, "but he won't wake up."

Sanji looked defeated by your answer and it kinda made you sad since you were a sweet person.

"How about this, Sanji, I will cook with you later if you promise no flirting?"

"Really? Y/n~chan you would do that?" Sanji looked extremely hopeful. You nod.

His eyes turn to hearts and he does his noodle dance away. 'He is so weird' you think.

"You want to train with me? That's why you were poking me?" You jump a little at the sudden voice.

"Oi, Zoro I thought you were asleep and yep. I'm bored so I thought we could train a little."

"I wasn't asleep. Merely faking it." He smirked at you. 'That baka!!' You thought angrily but got up and walked to his gym.

~~~Timeskip to Ater training I'm lazy okay and I want to talk to my gf(I'm bi btw)~~~

You and Zoro have been training awhile. Zoro had been teaching you to use two swords.

"Y/N I think that's enough for now. You look tired." You h/c hair was sticking to your face. You nod and pull your hair into a ponytail/braid(which ever one you want).

"C'mon let's get something to drink." Zoro nods and follows you.

You walk into the kitchen Zoro following you.

"Huh? Oh y/n~chan what are you doing here?"

"We came to get something to drink" you smile at the cook. He nods and makes you something while Zoro gets sake from the refrigerator. You both head outside to the main deck, to sit down.

Sanji brings you your drink and asks if you want anything else. You said no and drink your drink.

You and Zoro weren't talking just a peaceful silence over the two of you.

You grow really sleepy and lean against Zoro's shoulders. 'Wow so much muscle in one arm' you think to yourself and slightly blush. Zoro doesn't seemed bothered by you laying on him.

After a while you fall asleep on the swordsman.

Zoro kept repeating to himself that he had to stay awake. Soon he fall asleep too.

~~~~Timeskip brought to you by meat.~~~~

When Zoro woke up(woah when does Zoro wake up without Nami hitting him?!?), he noticed that he hasn't been pranked and that you were sleeping on his arm.

You wake up because you had the feeling someone was watching you. You open your e/c eyes to see Zoro staring at you.

"What is it, Zoro?"

"Do you know anything about who has been pranking me?" 'Shit. He knows. Abort!!!' You were trying to think of a way out of it. When you got an idea.

"Yes I do. In fact, I've been pranking you", he seems shocked by this 'wait maybe he didn't know'.

"You what?" You quickly make yourself laugh. You then do the first thing that comes to mind.

You lean up and kiss him then you run off while he is still shocked.



Hehe this isn't my best one shot but I think it's pretty good^.^

Comment some more suggestions because I need help on who to do next.

I might do Shachi or Pell(the falcon guy[ViVi]) next.


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