Nobody Loves Like You - Lucci

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"Why do you stay?" You quickly turn to see your abusive boyfriend, Lucci, standing there looking sad.

"Because I love you." He huffs.

"Don't be ridiculous. I hurt you yet you stay." He looks mad. "I'll give you one chance. Leave before I come back or stay." He leaves when he finished talking.

You head to the bathroom to take a warm bath because you were in pain. All your muscles hurt.

You have been in the water so long that the once hot water was now cold.

"You're stupid. You know?" You look up to see Lucci with crossed arms.

"I told you I don't leave because I love you." You start getting out of the water. You grab the towel and wrap it around you. "Nobody Loves Like You do" you mumble. Lucci has already left the bathroom and went into your shared bedroom.

You quickly get dressed and head in there. You see Lucci shirtless in bed. You softly crawl in bed with him. He grabs you into his arms.

"I'm sorry." He nuzzles into your neck. "I'll try to be more gentle with you. I promise."

You were a bit shocked he was never like this.

"Its okay." You smile to yourself. He leans up and kisses you fully.

"I um I uh love you." He stutters out. He wasn't used to saying it.

"I love you too."

Don't hate me. I thought I would try this kind. What did ya think?

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