So...? -Mihawk

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At the mansion it usually is quiet but never this quiet. There's usually some kind of noise. But today nothing. It would be relaxing if it weren't so random.

Mihawk, himself, was quieter than usual. He isn't very talkative but today he only replied with one word answers.

"Y/N...would you come with me for a moment.?" You nod but point to the empty plates on the table. "I'll clean them up later."

Mihawk extended his hand to you which you quickly took. He lend you out of the house. You were nervous, to say the least. You never really left the mansion unless you were leaving the island with Mihawk but he didn't take you the way to the boot.

You finally reach a clearing a long way from the mansion.

"So...?" He makes eye contact for what seems like the first time today.

"Y/N. We've been together for a while. Ever since you crashed here. I've grown to like having you around." He pauses to get down on one knee,"I want you to stay here forever so will you marry me?"

You were so shocked you couldn't form words properly so you quickly nodded. He pulled you into a tight hug.

I have no idea what I was doing xD forgive me.

I haven't been motivated to write or do anything really.

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