"Do you remember me?"

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(Based off my dream because I dreamed about a komahina fanfic that didn't exist and it drove me crazy, hang tight cause this is a long one)
Detective! Hajime
Missing! Nagito (you'll see,)
(half non despair, there are still talents and hope's peak exists)

Third POV

He'd left it in the past, when the strange student had disappeared from Hope's Peak without so much as a note. Nobody knew what happened, but nobody really cared either. Well, except Hajime Hinata, he was just a reserve course at the time..but he'd like to be a detective when he grew up and went to collage.
Well, he supposed he made it happen, but the job was more stressful than he'd anticipated. It'd been 5 years since Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate lucky student, and one of the students at Hope's Peak, had vanished. Hajime knew him, not very well, but they'd had...interesting..conversations to say the least. Komaeda had never seemed the most mentally stable, but that was only one of the leads Hinata had currently. Oh? Did I forget to mention? That's the case he's currently working on, he's attempting to locate the missing Ultimate, Nagito Komaeda, who had disappeared in senior year, not too far before he would've graduated. Hinata stared at the information he currently had,

Name: Nagito Komaeda
Age when last seen: 18
Height: 5'9
Birthday: April 28th
Blood type: 0
Appearance: messy off white hair, greyish green eyes, abnormally pale skin, last seen wearing the typical Hope's Peak uniform
Relitives: deceased/unknown
Last seen: Hope's Peak Academy, 6/15/11, 2:16 PM
Suspects: none

The circumstances around his disappearance were quite odd, he'd been there until lunch, and wasn't seen after about halfway through. He was last seen by Sonia Nevermind and Chiaki Nanami, who'd spotted him leaving the school building with a seemingly psychopathic look on his face. As I've said before, Komaeda was a very strange person in Hinata's mind..well, in most people's. He certainly had very odd beliefs, strange looks, and very self-deprecating behavior. Aside from the obvious mental problems he had, he also had physical health issues, and wasn't the healthiest of people. This lead most of the detectives who'd been on the case to think he was deceased, whether foul play was involved or not. It wasn't likely that a normal person with the same conditions as him would even survive for that long, but he was called the Ultimate lucky student for a reason. Hinata couldn't help but be sent in a spiral of thoughts when he thought about the white-haired male and his strange behaviors. Based on what they'd gathered about his past it wasn't too pleasant, and he'd likely spent most of his time on his own, meaning he didn't necessarily have anyone there to tell him what was considered normal. But Hinata supposed he knew his beliefs were different from others. For instance, Komaeda had some sort of weird obsession with hope, it didn't show much at first, but he slowly showed how twisted his obsession really was, it was reported by witnesses that he had stated just the lengths he would go to to obtain this feeling of what he considered hope, and he would seemingly risk everything.

Komaeda would've been considered a runaway, but there was nothing for him to run away from. Perhaps he just wanted to cause anarchy in the school, but he was smart and most likely knew of better ways to do that. And he lived alone, he didn't even really have any friends, or issues with school for that matter. But he'd always warned people to stay away from him because of his luck, which confused most people, but the real reason they all stayed away was probably because of his in general behavior rather than warnings, that had an unsettling resemblance to death threats. There were few noticable things missing from his house when he'd went missing, like his house keys, but nobody knew him well, so investigators weren't able to tell if anything else was missing. For all Hinata knew, Komaeda could've revisited his house many times, if he was still alive, that is. None of his classmates seemed to care about the disappearance until they were roped into the investigation as witnesses, but most of them had people to back up their alibis, and the school security cameras showed nobody approaching Komaeda while he was still on school property and no one leaving soon after him. So it was most likely his disappearance was either intentional, or someone had done something to him without reason on his way home. The first thing pointing to it being intentional was the fact that he left school without saying anything, and second, his increasingly odd behavior before he disappeared. There were so many things pointing to it being intentional, but Komaeda's odd luck cycle interfered with everything above all. With his good and bad luck, anything impossible could be possible. Whether that meant something good or bad. But enough stalling, this is present time now, and Komaeda had supposedly been sighted at a local Rocket Punch, and Hinata was supposed to be looking over the footage to see if they could confirm the sighting. Hinata  pulled up the footage on his computer, and pressed play. There was just the witness putting stuff in his cart for awhile, because it was late at night, the store was open all 24 hours. And then another guy walked in, messy white hair, it did look like nagito, but he was wearing a jacket with some print on the front and back, the camera was a night vision camera and it didn't have color though, so it wad hard to tell if it really was him, but the sighting seemed reliable and he might be able to confirm it. He took out his phone to message another detective working on the case, Kyoko Kirigiri, she was actually the Ultimate detective, but somehow he still ended up as lead detective in the case.

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