Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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l i n g e r i n g e y e s
"Uh, just talking about school with our good friend Bomin. Isn't that right." Jay hung his arm around his shoulder. Bomin just rolled his eyes, smiling towards Chaeyeon.
"Alright then." She chuckled with a unsure face. "Oh, is there none left?" She pointed towards the empty slot.
"I guess I took the last one. You can have mine Chaeyeon." Sunghoon handed her the beverage.
Chaeyeon smiled towards him, "you can never have this whenever we are near each other." She laughed. "Thank you, I'll pay you back." She walked back to the others.
"When have you gotten this when she was there?" Jungwon asked.
"Ya, you never drink this kind of stuff." Niki added.
"The first time we met, when we bumped into each other here a couple days ago. We grabbed the last one at the same time, so I told her she could have it."
"Didn't you tell me there was none left, and that's why you never got me one." Sunoo said.
"Hm, did I?" Sunghoon turned to walk away.
Sunoo scoffed, "did he just walk away from me while I was asking him, he just did. I can't believe him."
"It's alright Sunoo." Heeseung patted the boys back.
When everyone got their things, they met back outside in front of the store. "It was nice running into you guys, again." Yena chuckled.
"Ya, we should totally hang out one day. I mean we are classmates now, we should get to know each other!" Naeun suggest.
"Yea, that sounds good actually. We'll see you guys tomorrow in class." They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. The girls, Jaebeom, Bomin, and Youngmin went on their way back to their house, and the boys went their way back to Jake's.
"So, who's the one that was eyeing you up Chaeyeon?" Soojin cooed.
"Um, none of them?" She said.
"Come on, you're telling me you didn't see that. He was totally looking at you through the whole interaction, even when you weren't talking." Mina laughed.
"I think you're talking about Sunghoon." Bomin chimed in.
"Ah yes, Sunghoon. He's a keeper I heard. All girls like him." Youngmin wiggles his eyebrows.
"We don't even know each other. We met two days ago, you guys are being over dramatic." Chaeyeon walked away from the laughing others.
"He even gave you his drink! That's boyfriend material if I say so myself!" Jaebeom yelled, Chaeyeon just walked away faster.
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"If you were gonna stare that much, you should've just taken a picture. It would've last longer." Jungwon snickered.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sunghoon replied.
"The way your eyes lingered to Chaeyeon, even if she wasn't talking. We all noticed." Jake stated.
"I wasn't. You guys are just making things up now." He protested. "Go touch some grass, you need it."
"When you come crawling back to us when you realize that you like her, we'll tell you so." Heeseung said.
"I know nothing about her other then her name and that apparently she's smart. And how about, um I don't know, she clearly has a boyfriend already."
"We don't know if he's actually her boyfriend. They could be very close friends."
"Close friends? That's a code word for, we are in a relationship."
"How about we ask her tomorrow, why can't we just ask." Niki questioned.
"Yes, let's go up to the person we barely know and ask if they're dating someone." Sunghoon scoffed. "Cause she wouldn't think we're weirdos."
"Okay, then let's ask Bomin. Clearly he's closer to her than he says he is."
"He already said he's not sure. He's gonna give us the same answer as last time. Isn't her brother in our class?" Sunoo asked.
"Youngmin? I think his name is Youngmin." Jay answered. "But I'm sure her brother isn't just gonna talk about her like that. We should just observe them. Then we could decide if they're together."
"Operation get Sunghoon a girl." Jake said, which Sunghoon just slapped him in the arm.
"Can you guys just be normal for once. Why can't we all just be friends." Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
"There's no 'us' in normal Park Sunghoon. You should know that." Jay smiled. Sunghoon doesn't know why he's friends with them at this point. He knew this was just the start of their shenanigans.
"Just play your game before one of you guys get hurt from me." Sunghoon smiled sarcastically.
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