t h i r t y t w o : boarder:carnival

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b o a r d e r  :  c a r n i v a l

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b o a r d e r  :  c a r n i v a l

The group finally made it to the carnival at around seven o'clock. They picked up their wristbands and tickets to enter the place. Chaeyeon was walking ahead with Mina, Soojin, Youngmin, Naeun, and Bomin, the others trialing behind them.

"Today," Jaebeom blurred out.

The ones around him look with confusion. "Today? What's today," Niki asked.

"The day that you are making this situation better," he pointed towards Sunghoon. "And you, I appreciate you being there for my sister, making her feel better," Jaebeom turned towards Heeseung.

"But just let them scream it or yell it out. Because it's done. This whole situation is ending today whether you like it or not Sunghoon. If it's not, than it's over here on out."

"I miss hanging out all together without you two having a fight after, I wanna go back to where we could just have fun." Jake sighed.

"Same, hanging out started to feel like a burden more then a fun time." Jay added.

"I get it!" Sunghoon scoffed, "I'll try again."

"I'm forcing you two on the Farris wheel later. You can use that time to scream, cry, fight, anything; but you're not getting off until I see you two are hugging, holding hands, anything! Understood?" Yena looked to him. He nodded, sighing.

"Great! Now we are having a fun day, nothin is ruining it now," Niki clapped his hands.

The group picked the first ride to go on, which happened to be the tower of drop. Chaeyeon looked up at how high it went into the sky, her stomach dropped.

"I-I don't want to go on this one. I'll just skip this time," Chaeyeon stood back.

"Are you sure?" Heeseung asked her, "I'll stay with you then."

"No no, I'm fine staying by myself, go please." She nodded towards him. He sighed before going to the others, turning around to look at Chaeyeon who just threw a thumbs up at him with a smile.

She sat down at the bench near by while watching the group get seated on the ride. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion when she noticed Sunghoon missing from the ride, she looked around trying to see if he was left behind.

"What are you looking for?"

Chaeyeon turned as she got startled by the voice from out of no where. She deeply sighed when she noticed it was just Sunghoon sitting next to her.

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