Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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f r i e n d s d o n t d o t h a t
It was Sunday evening, Chaeyeon was sitting inside her room with the girls. They came over a couple hours ago to hang out and just relax on this hot summer night before the week started up again.
"So...tell us what happened at the ferris wheel," Mina sat up with a pillow in her lap.
Chaeyeon just rolled her eyes, but the blush on her face said otherwise. The girls looked at each other while cooing.
"You're blushing Chaeyeon!" Yena jumped up and down.
"Spill, now!" Naeun begged.
"What is there to tell you guys about; we got stuck, rudely might I add, on that death trap together and at first it wasn't all so nice. There was...some yelling, crying, a lot of screaming. But he apologized to me about the things that happened, and he promised to be better for me." Chaeyeon explained as she looked down to her hands.
"He made me feel...good." She laughed as her face heated up.
"Did you want to forgive him, or did you feel obligated?" Naeun asked.
"At first I wasn't sure, but the way he talked and looked while we were up there. I could feel his sincerity by the way he talked, held my hands and hugged me."
All the girls awed, Chaeyeon blushed deeper at their reactions. "It's not that cute, you guys are just being over dramatic. What's so cute about yelling at each other at the top of a Ferris wheel?"
"Okay, okay, but that's not what's important here, the real question is...did you guys kiss."
Chaeyeon whipped her head up, "what! You can't just ask that, and if it did...would I tell you?" She cleared her throat looking away.
Mina gasped, hitting Chaeyeon's arm, "You! You guys did. You kissed. When, when, when!"
"I didn't even say anything!"
"I seen that look on your face, you guys did. We now know, now tell us."
Chaeyeon groaned, "he kissed me on the forehead and cheek in the Ferris wheel."
"And then," Yena leaned forward with the others.
"And when he walked me home, he said goodnight to me and left."