t w e n t y o n e : nothing better than a night sky full of fireworks

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n o t h i n g    b e t t e r    t h a n    a n i g h t    s k y    f u l l    o f    f i r e w o r k s

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n o t h i n g b e t t e r t h a n a
n i g h t s k y f u l l o f f i r e w o r k s

"Okay, thank you!" They made their way to the shack she had mentioned.

Jungwon tugged at the door, "it's jammed, it's not bugging even a bit."

"They couldn't be in there then. How could they get in with the door jammed?"

"Wait, I hear something from inside." Jay leaned his head against the door. "There's people inside, I can hear them." They tugged at the door until it finally opened. Sunghoon and Chaeyeon rushed out, panting.

"What happened to you two? And why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Heeseung pointed. "And why are you wearing one?"

"We've been trapped in that death box for hours. The door jammed shut and we couldn't get it to open." Chaeyeon explained, leaning onto Naeun.

"Did you guys not wonder where we were at all. Did you just let us be gone." Sunghoon scoffed.

"Well, we thought you two ditched us as its kinda a reoccurring thing you guys do. So we just left it, till we got worried that you haven't came back in a while." Yena said.

"You haven't explained why you are shirtless yet." Sunoo laughed.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, "none of you business first of all, and I gave it to Chaeyeon to wear in that shack that we're stuck in for hours."

They walked back to their spot, Chaeyeon grabbed a cold water bottle for her and Sunghoon to chug. Sunghoon grabbed a shirt from his bag and slipped it on.

Chaeyeon threw herself onto the ground, "why does it have to be so hot outside." She reaches into the cooler and grabbed a handful of ice and put it to her head and arms.

"Go into the water, you'll feel cooler." Jaebeom said. Chaeyeon got up and went towards the water, Sunghoon followed behind her.

"Shoot I forgot to take your shirt off before going into the water." Chaeyeon panicked.

"Don't worry about." Sunghoon proceeds to splash water on Chaeyeon while laughing. She rebuttal back.

- 1 9 -

The night came, darkness taking over the sky.

They were currently circled around the bonfire on the beach. S'more making and story telling has been going on for the last couple of minutes.

Everyone stopped talking and looked up to the sky. Fireworks began to light up the night; different colours exploding.

"Wow, I haven't seen fireworks in years." Chaeyeon awed in amusement.

"Fireworks, it's almost like you can feel them in your chest, like they're firing inside our hearts." Sunghoon said. Chaeyeon looked back at him with a smile.

"Come on, let's go take pictures." Mina jumped up, her camera in hand.

Night was spent running around, free, and exciting. It was a feeling that was nostalgic for some reason. But it was good, a good nostalgia, one you wouldn't want to lose the feeling of.

- n i n e t e e n -

🎉enhypen first win today 050421🎉

(there's a small reference in this chapter to my new book hehe)

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