Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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i t ' s o k a y t o f a i l s o m e t i m e s... w e c a n a l w a y s g e t b a c k u p
It's been...a boring and tiring two weeks for everyone. Spring break was just around the corner, so exams have been a constant non stop. This time around was stressful for Chaeyeon. Studying non stop, wanting to do good on all of them, so that meant she was mentally and physically occupied all the time.
If it was lunch time, she was eating with her textbook open reading everything she could get it. During class her pen never left her hand. And her mood...all you can say is don't bother her when she's in the zone.
They were currently sitting in class, having a free period to do whatever they needed to finish, studying, or whatever they want to do. Of course most people heard this and just did whatever they wanted, pushing their studies aside for the hour. Chaeyeon sat there trying to study for her exams. Trying.
"Chaeyeon could I borrow a pen, I lost mine." Yena asked her. She grabbed the first one she seen and gave it to her, not even turning fully around to see her.
"Hey, do you have a highlighter as well?" Chaeyeon inhaled deeply, giving her the coloured highlighter. "Thanks!" Yena said, Chaeyeon just hummed in response.
"This one isn't working, could I get another one." Chaeyeon sharply turned around, huffing heavily.
"Yena." She said sternly. "Take the whole thing. Just stop being annoying, please, thanks." She gave her the whole pencil case, turning back around.
The others looked at her, back at each other. None of them wanting to be scolded either so they just left her to be.
"What's up with grouchy?" Youngmin sat down in his seat. Chaeyeon just turned around and gave him a look. He surrendered his hands playfully.
"It's Chaeyeon, it's exam season before spring break. That's all." Mina said.
"Ease up Chae, exams are almost over, and you already know you'll be doing good." Soojin assured her.
"It doesn't matter, what if this is the time I fail them. I can't allow that." Chaeyeon sighed. "I can't focus with all these distractions. I'm going to the library." Chaeyeon got up, packing all her things into her bag and asked the teacher to leave the class.
"What's wrong with Chaeyeon?" Jungwon walked up to them.
"She's always like this when it's exam season. Shuts us out until they're over. I guess this time it's worse." Naeun shrugged.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Sunghoon walked up with the others. They sat down in the seats beside them.
"She'll be fine, just needs to cool down a bit." Bomin said.
"Sunghoon, you should go check up on her actually." Soojin turned to him.
"I don't want to upset her though."
"She won't get upset, just go." Mina insisted.
"Alright, if she's upset I'm blaming you guys." Sunghoon got up and went to go to the library. Before going he stopped at the campus store to pick up the drink she likes. Hoping she won't be upset with him bothering her.
"Are you sure she'll be okay with him going?" Sunoo asked them.
"And why did you tell Sunghoon to go, and not one of you guys." Niki wondered.
"Cause they'll get closer." Soojin laughed. "It's the perfect plan to get them closer to each other without forcing it."
"You literally forced him to go." Jake laughed.
"Who cares, they'll be cute together."
- 1 9 -
Sunghoon paid for the drinks and made his way towards the library. He looked around once he went in, looking for where she was sitting. Once he found her sitting in the back of the library, the seat more secluded from the other tables, he made his way down there.
He put down the drink in front of her. She looked up and smiled.
"Hey." Her eyes looked dull, her smile looked tired.
"Hey, how you feeling?" He sat down across from her.
Chaeyeon sighed, shutting the book she was using, laying her chin on it. Looking up at Sunghoon. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm tired. And stressed." She chuckled.
Sunghoon laid his chin on the table, mimicking her. He smiled, "do you wanna talk about it. I'm all ears."
"I don't know why I'm this. I'm always stressed during exams, but never to this extent." She closed her eyes, opening them back up a second later. "I feel like if I don't do the best, then I won't deserve anything else."
"I know how you're feeling. I feel that sometimes too. That if I'm not at the top, then I deserve to be at the bottom."
He smiled at her sweetly, "but sometimes, it's okay If you told me this a year ago...I'd never say that. I'd always be the best, but now, now it's okay to just relax a little."
"Because sometimes you need to just let it be, go with the flow. If you fail, you can always get back up. The only way from the bottom is up."
Chaeyeon just looked at him, not knowing what to say. She let her mouth crease up, "thanks, I really needed to hear that."
"No problem. I got you this, I know you like to drink it when studying." He pushed the drink closer to her.
"Thank you. I appreciate it." She opened it up and drank from it. She shut the rest of her things and put them into her bag.
"I can't study anymore. How about we go, I don't feel like being in school anymore." She got up and swung her bag on her shoulders.
Sunghoon smiled, getting up from his seat too. "Let's ditch."
They made their way out of the library, and up to the front school gates. Sunghoon lied to the security guard that Chaeyeon wasn't feeling well and that he was taking her back home for the day. Thankfully he let them leave.
Getting on the next bus, all the seats had been occupied so they stood up holding on to the handles, Sunghoon on the right side of Chaeyeon.
While Chaeyeon was standing, a guy walked into the bus, standing on the left side of Chaeyeon. Pretty close if you asked her. He reached for the same handle, placing his hand practically on top of hers. She moved her hand away, grabbing it higher so he wasn't touching hers.
The guy moved closer to her, moving his hand. Purposely getting into her space as much as he could. Sunghoon looked over, seeing what the guy was doing. Noticing Chaeyeon was uncomfortable.
He let go of his handle and pushed his way in between the guy and Chaeyeon. "You don't mind me standing here, right." Sunghoon sternly said to the guy. He just scoffed and turned the other way.
Sunghoon put his arm around Chaeyeon, pulling her into his side. "You okay." He looked down at her. She nodded.
They got off at the next stop. "He didn't do anything to you right?" Sunghoon stopped her once they made it out of the bus.
"He didn't, don't worry. Thank you, that's the reason I hate taking the bus."
"Ya of course, come on let's go do something fun." He grabbed her hand in his and began to walk.