t h i r t y s e v e n : you are the only one

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y o u    a r e    t h e    o n l y    o n e

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y o u    a r e    t h e   
o n l y    o n e

Sunghoon lead her by taxi to the mini beach that was just off the main road of downtown. It wasn't one of those beaches with a bunch of sand and calming waters that was for swimming in, it was one you'd go to just walk and sit while listening to the crashing of the waves. Perfect place for two people to be with each other.

"I haven't been here in a while, I forgot how calming it is to just listen to the waves crash." She looked out into the deep sea, a smile present on her face.

"Come on, let me show you something," he pulled her gently by the hand as they were still intertwined with his.

He lead her down the beach, towards a more secluded area. There, a blanket with sweets, food, and drinks laid beautifully. Chaeyeon stood there just taking in the scene.

She looked up to Sunghoon with her bottom lip in a small pout, "you did this? When?"

Sunghoon chuckled at her expression, "I got help from the boys actually. Surprisingly, they were more than happier to do this for us, well actually for you more than for me."

Chaeyeon just chuckled at the confession, she made a mental note to thank the boys later. Sunghoon lead her to sit on the blanket, handing her a drink.

"You should wear hearts more often, but only for me." Sunghoon blurted out as they watched the ocean while eating.

Chaeyeon looked towards him with scrunched eyebrows but a playful look, "ah really. Only for you?" She tilted her head with a smile.

Sunghoon hummed in confidence, reaching his hand to grab her cardigan sleeve. "I only want your heart on your sleeve for me, no one else but me."

Chaeyeon smiled creased up by his words. "Okay, only for you." Her voice whispered under the crash of the waves.

Sunghoon brought her hand against his, then intertwining them, "you're my best friend Chaeyeon." He began to say.

Chaeyeon's smile flattened just a tad by the words "best friend". Sunghoon took a notice at that of course. "But I don't want us being best friends anymore if I'm being honest."


"You're the first person to make me feel...like this. You bring out something in me that nobody else has, and I want you to be the first and last to make me feel like this." His words came out as he held her hand in his.

"I don't want to be friends no more, I want you to be mine. You are the only one, and I want you to be my only one."

Chaeyeon sat there as their eyes stayed onto each other's. This was the first guy to have shown their true feelings sincerely to her, the first to show actual love and attention to only her. He was the only one she felt true love for.

She brought her free hand up and creased his cheek, a smile present on both their faces. "I love you."

Sunghoon just brought his hand and guided her head towards his chest, embracing her as if she was gonna never see him again. When she retracted back, Sunghoon let his lips fall gracefully onto hers. Even if this wasn't their first, it was just as amazing as if it was their first kiss.

When he pulled back, he felt something on the side of his cheek. Chaeyeon was snickering, licking the icing off her fingers that just swiped off on his face.

"You really want to play that game," he squinted his eyes playfully. He quickly brought his hand and swiped icing on her nose, Chaeyeon squealed while laughing.

Sunghoon grabbed a napkin and wiped the icing from their faces. He patted his lap when he finished, indirectly telling her to lay her head down. Chaeyeon laid her head on his thigh, watching his smile. Bringing her hand up so she could play with his hair, as his fingers ran through her hair.

"When did you realize you liked me?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Hm? The first time we ran into each other is when I first took notice to you. When I started to take interest though? Probably when the whole Woohyun situation took place. I didn't like that someone else was wanting to be more with you." Sunghoon spoke.

"Someone was jealous I see." Chaeyeon laughed.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes playfully. "How about you?"

When did Chaeyeon take interest in him? Well, there was many times she felt something deeper with the boy. Whether it was times it was just the two, or when she felt like wanting to be next to him only.

"I had this feeling between us for a while. But, when the whole Jeongyu situation blew up was the final moment I knew. You were the only person I wanted to be next to the whole time. I wanted to be comforted by nobody but you, and when that happened I knew that I didn't want to be just friends." She played with his hands.

"I didn't care who Jeongyu played with, but with you...I was heartbroken."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, or cared for you like I said I would." Sunghoon said.

Chaeyeon just smiled, sitting up so she was in front of him. "It's over now, and I forgave you because I seen who you truly were. You are someone I never want to leave my side."

"I promise to never leave your side again," he brought his hand to brush the hair away, bringing her face closer to his again.

- n i n e t e e n -

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