Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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m a y b e i s h o u l d
Chaeyeon and Heeseung were currently inside the doctors office. Chaeyeon was sitting on top of the patient chair, Heeseung just a couple feet away on the guest chair. They were inside the room waiting for the doctor to come and check her out.
Heeseung's eyes moved towards a sound coming from where Chaeyeon was sitting. Her leg was fidgeting against the floor, making a tapping sound as she played with her fingers.
"What's wrong?"
Chaeyeon hummed looking up from her hands, "what?"
Heeseung chuckled, "why are you so fidgety?" He slid his chair towards hers, grabbing her hands so she could stop picking at them. "You're going to make yourself bleed."
"Why are you apologizing? You haven't done anything. Just relax your body, all he's gonna do is check what's wrong. Nothing serious okay." He said, squeezing her hand in comfort.
She took a deep breath in, getting her nerves to calm down. It's just an appointment she told herself.
The doctor walked into the room, shutting the door behind himself and greeting the two.
"Hello, I'm doctor Hong who'll be checking you today. Please explain to me what your problem might be?" He sat down on his chair, his clip board in his hand.
"Uh, I've been experiencing some headaches for the last week or so. I've been using just regular medication for it but it doesn't seem to work too well." Chaeyeon said, looking towards Heeseung for reassurance.
"Do you experience blurred vision," he wrote down as he spoke.
"Sometimes, though not too often. Mostly during classes when I've been writing or reading for a long time."
Doctor wrote somethings down before standing up, "alright, I'll preform an eye test first to make sure you're not experiencing anything there."
He lead Chaeyeon to the eye examination room, Heeseung assured her that he'll be waiting for her in the room.
After that he brought her back into the room. "Your eye test came back sufficiently well, so no damage there. Are you sleeping well at night, any sleep troubles, insomnia?"
"I've been having some sleep trouble for the last few weeks."
"Do you know what might be causing the lack of sleep?"