f i f t e e n : so quiet you can hear a pin drop, but my heart is loud

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s o    q u i e t    y o u    c a n    h e a r    a    p i n    d r o p ,   b u t    m y    h e a r t    i s    l o u d

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s o q u i e t y o u c a n h e a r a p i n d r o p , b u t m y h e a r t i s l o u d

It was so quiet, you could probably hear a pin drop. But her heart, she felt like it was the loudest thing at that moment. Being this close to Sunghoon, face to face, body to body. Her breathe caught in her throat. They ducted down even more once they heard feet scraping again the pavement outside.

"Keep going, they couldn't have gone to far. I seen them run that way." The voices from outside said. Sunghoon raised his head just a bit to check to make sure they weren't anywhere.

Sunghoon looked back at Chaeyeon, his eyes grazes over her face. Taking in all of her features and assets; noticing how long her eyelashes were, how her eyes had a small tinge of hazel in them. Their eyes locked, Chaeyeon cheeks flustered. She was hoping that he couldn't see her in the dark.

The space between them slowly started to close, their noses brushed ever so slightly. Their eyes never leaving each other's.

Chaeyeon closed her eyes slowly, ready for whatever could happen. She felt his breathe tickle her lips, leaning closer.

"I think they're gone now, guys." Jake whispered from somewhere. Chaeyeon and Sunghoon pulled back from each other suddenly, finishing what didn't even start between them. Sunghoon cleared his throat, Chaeyeon looked away flustered even more.

They all gathered once the coast was clear. "What the hell happened? Who were those guys? Why were they running after you two?" Jaebeom asked.

"We kissed-missed the turn to go back to the place and bumped into them, they got mad that we walked into their little thing and chased us all the way there." Sunghoon explained.

"Thought I was about to die back there!" Jay was still panting.

Jungwon patted his back, "don't worry hyung. It's not worth jail time to kill you." Jay just shoved him away.

"Let's leave before they come back around and find us. We'll go back to our house since it's not too far from here." Jaebeom said.

They left the building, making sure nobody was following, getting on the bus back to their house. Sunghoon and Chaeyeon sat stiffly next to one another, still awkward about the incident that occurred between the two.

They jumped out of the bus once they made it back on to their street.

"It's getting late, I think we should call it a night on this crazy day." Youngmin announced. "It was a fun day today, let's do it again."

"Next time let's cut out the 'getting chased by 6 random men' from our schedule." Heeseung laughed.

"Bye, see you guys later." Jay, Jake, and Niki went down the road, since their houses were the closest to each other.

"Come on Heeseung and Sunoo, bye everyone." Jungwon called them. They said their byes.

"Can someone walk me home, I'm kinda scared to go alone since it's dark and cause I don't wanna get chased again." Naeun nervously said.

"Me too, I don't wanna walk alone either. And Naeun and I don't live near each other." Soojin said.

"Naeun, I'll walk you home, since Bomin lives the opposite side from you." Jaebeom offered, which Naeun gladly accepted.

"Come on Soojin, I'll take you home tonight." Youngmin smiles. Soojin nodded, following him away.

"Bye Chae, see you tomorrow." Mina and Yena went their way home. Luckily they lived in the same apartment complex so they just went together of course.

The last two were Chaeyeon and Sunghoon. They stood in front of her gate in silence, neither of them knows what to say to the other.

"That was fun."

"So tonight."

They both said at the same time. Looking at each other laughing.

"You can talk first." Chaeyeon said.

"I was just gonna say that tonight was a fun day, I've never had...this much excitement." Sunghoon laughed. "Sometimes you gotta leave your box and get chased by men who you don't know."

Chaeyeon laughed, "I had fun too. I agree, even though I hate heights; I appreciate you being there for me and helped me...over come it. Even though that'll never happen again." She laughed.

"And the whole getting chased by random men...let's never do that again either." Chaeyeon chuckled.

"So uh..." Sunghoon looked at her. "I guess I'll see you later."

She nodded, "ya, later."

Sunghoon smiled down at her, "have a good night Chaeyeon." He hesitated before leaning down and quickly pecking her cheek. He turned around and walked away.

Chaeyeon stood there, shocked at what just happened. She raised her hand and glazed her fingers over her cheek, feeling her temperature raise. She cleared her throat, shaking her head. Opening her front door and getting inside.

She smiled, Sunghoon didn't leave her mind for the rest of the night.

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He doesn't know what made him do that, but he felt right, it felt good to. It was the first time he's ever shown this much...affection towards someone before. Especially to a girl he met not too long ago.

But he knew that Chaeyeon wasn't just another girl. She was different. Her presence made him feel complete, like she was always meant to be there.

Or maybe he was crazy and was just missing the feeling of someone next to him.

- n i n e t e e n -

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