e i g h t e e n : lay your head on my lap

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l a y    y o u r    h e a d    o n    m y    l a p

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l a y y o u r h e a d o n m y l a p

It was now the morning, everyone was getting ready to meet up at Chaeyeon and Jaebeom's house. Chaeyeon was in her room, packing her last pieces of clothing and things she'll need for their two day stay.

She put down her shirt she was hold to grab her phone that was buzzing. A instant smile grew on her face when she seen Sunghoon's name on her screen.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hey Chaeyeon." Sunghoon voice rang.

"Hey Sunghoon! What's up?" Chaeyeon sat down on her bed.

"Nothing important, I was just calling to see if you need me to pick anything up for the trip before coming over."

"Thanks for calling, I don't think we do actually. Just bring yourself over, okay."

Chaeyeon smiled at the sound of his laugh, "Okay sounds good, I'll be over soon."

"Okay, see you soon." She hung up, putting her phone down.

She quickly finished packing up and went down stairs. Putting her bag next to the door, going into the kitchen. Jaebeom was packing the coolers with drinks and food for both the ride there and for the day.

"Could you get me the ice from the freezer, everyone will be here soon so I'll put it in now." Jaebem asked. She went to the freezer, taking out the bag of ice.

The door bell rung, Chaeyeon threw the bag of ice on the counter and ran to the door. A bright smile on her face slightly fell when she seen it was Yena and Mina on the other side of the door.

"What's with the face, could look a little happier to see your best friends." Yena rolled her eyes. They went in, making their way into the kitchen.

"I brought the fresh fruit like you asked Jae." Mina held up the bag of fruit.

"Great, I put the ice in the coolers already, find some room for it." Jaebeom pointed. "I think I got everything in there." He clapped.

Another knock from the door was heard, "I'll get it!" Chaeyeon ran to answer the door first.

"What's got her so excited." Yena laughed.

"She's probably waiting for her little boy to come here." Jaebeom said.

Chaeyeon whipped open the door, her smile grew once she saw who it was. Sunghoon smiled once she opened the door.

"Hey!" Chaeyeon moved over so he and the others could come in.

"So it looks like everyone is here but Soojin, Youngmin, and Naeun." Mina confirms.

"Naeun should be here any minute. She said she was filling up the gas tank before coming here." And a minute later, Naeun was pulling up with Soojin in her car. Youngmin following five minutes later in his.

"Let's put our bags and coolers in the cars. We'll split up in the two cars once the bags are in." Jaebeom called out. Everyone grabbed their bags and went to put them into the cars.

"Is Bomin not coming? Why isn't he here?" Heeseung asked.

"He went ahead this morning to get the house ready for us. His uncle gave him the keys. So we don't have to worry about him till we get there." Youngmin explained to the others.

"Okay, in Naeun's car it will be Me, Yena, Mina, Sunoo, Niki, and Jay." Jaebeom announced.

"In Youngmin's car it will be Soojin, Chaeyeon, Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jake, and Jungwon." From there they all got into the cars and started the two hour journey to the beach.

Youngmin's car had the drivers and passengers seat, which was occupied by him and Soojin (she practically begged to sit in the front seat). In the middle section it was Heeseung, Jake, and Jungwon. And in the back it was Sunghoon and Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon didn't like long car rides, she had bad motion sickness sometimes. So when she heard that she was gonna be in the back, with no windows that could be rolled down, she wasn't excited.

"Soojin, could you roll down a window or something please." Chaeyeon breathed out. Sunghoon turned his head towards Chaeyeon.

"Are you okay?" Sunghoon asked.

Chaeyeon closed her eyes, nodding. "I'm fine, I just get motion sickness sometimes."

"Is there anything I can help with, do you want me to get you a water bottle, or something to eat." Sunghoon said with concern.

"There's nothing that can be done to help honestly. There's actually one thing that Naeun helps with, but it's fine."

"Tell me, I'll help you." Sunghoon sat up fully.

"Honestly it's fine, I'll be okay soon."

"Chaeyeon. Just tell me, we still have over an hour till we get there."

Chaeyeon opened her eyes, looking toward Sunghoon. She sighed, "Naeun would put my head on her lap and play with my hair. It helps, but it's fine. You don't have to do that."

"Oh. Okay! Lay your head down."

Chaeyeon hesitated, "are you sure. You don't have to."

"Just lay your head down Chaeyeon." Sunghoon laughed, patting his lap. Chaeyeon nodded, hesitating but laid her head on his lap.

Sunghoon brought his hand towards her head, beginning to play with her hair softly. Chaeyeon turned her eyes up, meeting with his. He softly smiled down at her.

"Is this helping?" Sunghoon whispered. Chaeyeon nodded.

She shut her eyes, letting Sunghoon fingers play with her hair. Next thing she knew, she was falling asleep in his lap.

- n i n e t e e n -

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