Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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n o t j e a l o u s a t a l l
They were now official, and it felt good for both of them to be an actual thing. No more what ifs or questioning their feelings about the other. They both shared the same feelings with each other, and that was the most important thing.
Well...the first most important thing to Chaeyeon. The other important thing? Making sure nobody gawks over her boyfriend. It's no lie that Sunghoon is popular among the girls at their school, especially for his good looks and tall figure that's eye catching. Heck! Even some of the boys eyed him.
Of course Chaeyeon caught the eyes of boys as well, but once they noticed Chaeyeon in the presence of the good looking group of guys beside Sunghoon, they didn't bother trying. I mean, it's Sunghoon they're competing against, who would try to go against someone like him? Nobody.
The girls on the other hand, if they didn't see her as competition then that means they believe Sunghoon could easily get with them. Chaeyeon tried her best to just let it go; she knew he wouldn't ever bat an eye towards any of them. It wasn't him she was worried about, it was the girls.
Was she jealous? What? No, not Chaeyeon. She doesn't get jealous over some stupid letters and cute little notes random girls hand over to her boyfriend that contain their numbers and names, or small boxes of chocolates or sweets. Chaeyeon, jealous? Never...
The couple have now been official for three days, as it was now Monday morning. Nobody knows they've made it official besides the friends, the two decided to keep it low key when at school. Not because they didn't want everyone to know, but more the fact that they didn't want so much unwanted attention over something like this. People always like to assume too much into other people's business.
Chaeyeon had just left her house, walking the path towards the school for the day. She was about half way there when she felt someone drape their arms around her from behind. Tilting her head up to see Sunghoon smiling down at her.
She chuckled, raising her hands to hold onto his arms. "Good morning," she smiled up the taller boy who towers over her. It's only been three days since they became official, but she was still shy about all the couple things like holding hands, or hugging.
Sunghoon quickly dropped his head and pecked her on the lips. "Morning, girlfriend." He dropped his arms and instead got to her side and intertwined their hands. Chaeyeon looked away with a red face, she liked hearing that.
"Do you want to go out for lunch together today?" Sunghoon asked.
"Ugh I would loved too, but I already promised Yena I'd help her with some problems for math durning lunch. How about we go get something after classes?"