t w e n t y s e v e n : thin ice

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"Please tell me you believe me. I didn't do that to her, I would never. Please trust me."

Heeseung sat down on the bench next to her, "of course Chaeyeon. Why wouldn't I believe you?" Heeseung quickly wiped her tears away.

"Sunghoon clearly doesn't. I told him what Jeongyu did to me, yesterday. Every little thing that girl lied about, the people she took away from me, everything." Chaeyeon cried in his hands.

"And he said...he said he'd be there no matter what. That he wouldn't believe the lies she might say, or the little acts she's known for. I trusted him Heeseung, I believed that he would actually be there for me. Why'd he lie to me."

Heeseung pulled her tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry he did that. I'm his best friend, I know how he is. He's smarter than this, and I'm not here to talk you about forgiving him so soon. I'll talk to him alright, don't worry. You have all of us, we are here for each other in situations like this."

"It feels like I'm the only one who constantly being put in these situations. Is it me, am I the one that's actually the problem? I'm the problem. I always have been."

"Don't say that Chaeyeon. Unfortunately, the people who deserve the most gets the least. And you are one of those people."

"Do you mind explaining what she was talking about, back in the office. You don't have to of course if you're not comfortable." He pulled her away, reassuring her.

"We used to best friends in school. We couldn't be separated even if you tried too, she was there for me whenever I needed someone to talk. Especially when my parents were never there for me and Jaebeom. I trusted her with everything, and she took it and and...stabbed me in the back."

She turned to look towards heeseung, "I didn't have anyone. The one person I had, the one I thought I did, hurt me the most." Chaeyeon turned her head, wiping her tears away.

"I promise you, you have so much people who care for you. I know one of them is on thin ice, but you have all of us now."

For the next little while, they just sat at the park and talked about anything and everything until the street lights began to turn on. Heeseung made sure to listen to her and help her feel better before taking her home for the night.

"I'll walk you home so I know you made it safely," he reached his hand out so Chaeyeon could grab it.

They got back to her house, the time was just after 10pm. It was a nice night so they didn't have to rush.

"I'm sorry for putting you through that today. I'll try to be better."

"I'll always be there when ever you need me Chaeyeon, you know that. Don't think about anything tonight, just get a good rest. If you need anything, call me right away, I'll be right over whenever."

Chaeyeon nodded, hugging him before turning to go inside for the night. She waved to him once last time before shutting the door.

She exhaled before dropping her bag and taking her shoes off at the door.

"How you feeling? Who were you with all night?" Jaebeom walked into the room.

"I was with Heeseung. I'm fine, I'm going to bed for the night."

"Do you wanna talk about it," he sat down on her bed once they made it up to her room.

"I've already talked about it with Heeseung tonight."

"Do you know who called me about what had happened?" Chaeyeon turned, shaking her head.


"Nice to hear."

"He called me, telling me that he messed up and that he hurt you today."

"Good to know that's he's aware. Anyways, I'm going to bed. You can either sit there and stare at me all night, or you can find your way out."

"I'll go, call me if you need anything. Just know I'm here to be your big brother, I'm always here for you, alright?"

She sighed deeply, "I know, I'm sorry for snapping, I'm just tired and want some sleep for tonight. Thank you." She hugged him before he walked out so she could get to bed.

- 1 9 -

Sunghoon stood there, contemplating whether he should run after her. He sighed deeply.

Heeseung was right, he messed up big time. If he could take it all back he would but it happened and now he has to figure what he's gonna do to make her know that he didn't do it to hurt her.

He cares about her, more than himself, and the last thing he wants is for her to think he's doing this to hurt her.

"Hey, where did Chaeyeon go?" The girls ran up towards him.

"Heeseung took her to the office."

"Why didn't you just go with her? Jeongyu was your partner, you can tell the teacher what she did was all a lie." Yena asked.

"I, I messed up."

"What do you mean?"

"I told her to just apologize to Jeongyu so she wouldn't get in trouble with the teacher."

"You did what!" Soojin pushed forward. "How could you do that Sunghoon. I thought you'd be smarter than that." She said in disbelief.

"I know I know, that's why I said I messed up okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. I regret so much."

Soojin scoffed, "next time, just leave it to us if you're gonna make the situation worse than it already is." She pushed past him and walked away. The others walked away as well, leaving Sunghoon to stand there.

Pulling his phone out, he dialled Jaebeom's phone, knowing the best start is to tell him what had happened.

"Hey Sunghoon, whats up?"

"Jaebeom, I'm sorry. I hurt Chaeyeon."

"What do you mean hurt? What happened to Chae, where is she?"

"She's at the office, left wing."

"Where are you?"

"Outside the labs." After that the line was cut off, Jaebeom ended the call.

He waited there for a couple minutes, knowing Jaebeom was gonna be there at any minute.

Turning once he heard loud foot steps coming from behind him. Jaebeom walked up to Sunghoon, a monotonous look on his face. He shoved him back, yelling.

"What did you do to my sister, Park."

"I didn't mean to okay. I thought I was helping but I was wrong. If I knew I wouldn't have opened my mouth, I'm sorry." Sunghoon dropped his head.

"What did you do."

"Jeongyu, she set her up. Instead of being by her side like I said I was gonna, I betrayed her trust. And you have every right to be mad at me, just like Chaeyeon."

"You're on thin ice," Jaebeom shoved pasted him. Sunghoon took a deep breath in before walking out of school.

- n i n e t e e n -

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