Maybe it was the last caffeine drink that brought them into each other's life, and maybe it's not a bad thing at the end of the day. Falling into each other's lives, going through different things together, getting closer. Becoming each other's seco...
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w e a r e j u s t f r i e n d s , o k a y !
The weekend has since passed by. Chaeyeon was leaving her house, making her way to the bus stop. Usually she'd walk to school with the girls or Jaebeom but she was running late today. Jaebeom didn't have a morning class today so he decided to sleep in.
Catching the bus would help her get to school a little faster than usual so today she decided to get on it to not be late. Taking the bus wasn't something she'd do daily, not really a fan of it. The people that rode on it were, interesting, so she avoided taking it as much as she could. Once the bus made its stop by the school, she jumped out and made her way onto campus. Since she took the bus, she got there before the others.
Just minding her business until someone tapped her shoulder. "Oh, hey Woohyun."
"Hey, I'm not bothering you am I?"
"No of course not, how was your weekend. Are you ready to present today?"
"It was great. Couldn't be more prepared. A partner like you makes it feel a little better."
"Aw, thanks." She laughed.
"Chaeyeon!" They both stopped walking when her name was being called from somewhere. Chaeyeon smiled when she seen Sunghoon waving at her, walking up to them. "Hey." He smiled.
She smiled back at him, "Hey Sunghoon."
"I was wondering if you'd like to walk to class together. Since we're both early today."
"Ya, I'd like that actually." She turned to Woohyun, "I'll see you in third block." Waving goodbye before she and Sunghoon walked away.
"Do you want to stop to get drinks before heading to class, since we have sometime to kill." Sunghoon looked down at her. She nodded.
They made their way to the cafe that was on campus. Chaeyeon turned her bag around to get her wallet out to pay for the drinks they had ordered, but Sunghoon beat her to it.
"You didn't have to pay for them, I could've gotten it." She put her bag back on.
"It's my treat for today. You can get it the next time we're together." He smiled, she returned it back with flushed cheeks.
The worker handing them their drinks, they thanked them before walking back out. "How was your project." Sunghoon asked her.
"It was okay, my partner isn't that bad. So working with him wasn't the worst."