Chapter 1

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Hartley's POV

I leaned up against the once white colored bathtub, trying to stop the room from spinning.  I had just got done puking for the 5th day this week.  Once I was sure that I was done, I pulled on my blue jeans that had so many holes in them, it's a wonder they stay together, my white crop top and my favorite red hoodie with cut off sleeves.  I pulled my espresso colored hair into a ponytail, put on a little brown eyeliner and mascara.  I loved that it made my navy blue eyes pop.  I wasn't ugly by any means, but I also wasn't drop dead gorgeous either.

I grabbed my blade and headed out to Buck's, where my brother, the infamous Dallas Winston lived.  Being Dally's sister definitely had its perks.  Everybody was afraid of him, so they either stayed away from me or gave me whatever I wanted so I wouldn't tell Dal.  Dal and I had the same stubborn streak and 'don't fuck with me' attitude.

However, it also had its downside.  Dally was in jail a lot, which meant I had to stay at the ol' man's house.  He was either drunk or throwing me around.  Dally also didn't really care about me either.  I pretended that it didn't bug me, but it did.  Especially when I saw how my two best friends were treated by their brothers.

I walked into Buck's Bar.  My brother had a room upstairs.  Dally made a shit-ton of money riding rodeo for Buck so Buck let him stay for free and gave him about 20% of the winnings, "Hey Hart," Buck nodded toward me, "Dally's up in his room."

I nodded back and headed upstairs.  I opened the door, Dally was sitting on his bed, smoking a cigarette.  He had some blonde bimbo sleeping in his bed.  Dally gave me an annoyed look, "whaddya doin' here?"

"Just thought I'd stop and see my favorite brother 'fore I meet up with Quinn and Kasey," I retorted in the same annoyed tone that he used.

"You want money." It wasn't a question.

"Ya know I can't just steal shit when I'm with Quinn."  He was already pulling out some cash.  He knew as well as I did that if Quinn got caught doin' anything illegal, that she could get taken away from her brothers.

He handed me a $20, "get outta here," the bimbo in his bed started to stir, "I gotta take care of something."

I rolled my eyes.  My brother was a pig, but I really ain't no better.  I wasn't really going to meet up with Quinn and Kasey.  I was going to the drug store.  I needed cigarettes and a pregnancy test.

After I got the test, I did head over to Quinn's house.  Both she and Kasey were there, "hey Hartley.  We called your house a little bit ago." Quin tucked a honey gold curl behind her ear, "wanna go to the DX with us?"  Quinn was the pretty one out of the three of us.  She had the perfect hair that fell just right.  She had light brown eyes that always had a sparkle to them, regardless what type of mood she was in.  Her skin was flawless.  She was tall, but not as tall as Kasey.  Quinn also cussed like a sailor and knew cars inside and out.  Quinn was brutally honest and tended to call everyone out on their bullshit.

Kasey, on the other hand, was the brains of the group.  She had stick straight chocolate brown hair and an olive complexion.  She was tall and skinny.  She played basketball for Will Rogers High and was amazing at it! She was a straight A student.  Kasey was probably the nicest of us.  She was definitely the quietest, but she was tough.  As for me, I was the sarcastic, bitch of the group.  I wasn't smart like Kasey or pretty like Quinn, but I felt like I completed our trio.

"Sure, I got pee first."  Now that I had the test, I needed to know.  I pissed on the stick and closed my eyes.  After what seemed like forever, I opened them.  The two pink lines on the test stared back at me...taunting me, confirming what I already knew.  I had a baby growing inside me.

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