Chapter 18

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Kasey's POV

Two-Bit stopped by after he left the Curtis's. He and Steve were going to Buck's. Two was really upset about Quinn so he was gonna do what he does best...booze up and get Steve hammered; not that Steve needed help with that.  I finished cleaning up the living room.  It was late, but I couldn't sleep.  I kept thinking about how drastically Quinn's and Hartley's life changed in the matter of days.  I couldn't grasp it.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was crying on the phone to Alec, "Hartley's pregnant and Quinn was raped tonight," I sobbed on the phone when he answered

"What?"  I hadn't realized how late it was.  I could hear the sleep in his voice, "Kasey?  Where are you?"

"My house."

"Is Steve home?"

"No, he went to Buck's with Two-Bit.  I have no idea where my dad is."  I could hardly speak.

"Kase, I'm comin' over, ok?"  When I didn't answer, he said, "babe, hang up the phone...I'll be there in 5."  I heard the phone click and I hung it up on my end.

Alec showed up about 5 minutes later.  He sat next to me on the couch and held me while I cried.  He rocked me, played with my hair and murmured words of comfort, "why does everything have to be do hard?" I asked, after I had settled down.

Alec pushed the hair out of my face, "I'm sorry, baby.  It will take time but Hart and Quinn will be ok.  Hartley's baby is gonna be spoiled by everyone.  I know everything seems helpless now, but it's not.  It will get better, baby. Not right away, but it will."

I stood up and pulled Alec's hand,"stay the night?" I asked him.  He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.  He carried me to the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Hartley's POV

Dally and I walked into the rehabilitation where Johnny was staying. According to Pony, he was starting to walk a little more every day. I wrinkled my nose, the smell of bleach was really strong today. We found Johnny pretty quick. He was in his wheelchair, smoking in the courtyard. I snuck up and hugged him from behind, "didn't you inhale enough of that shit in Windrixville?"

"Hartley?" I heard the smile in his voice. He maneuvered his chair around, "and Dal?" His eyes clouded with fear, "is everything ok?"

Dally rolled his eyes, "can't a guy just hang out with his sister without everyone gettin' weird."

Johnny snickered, "not when it's you and Hart."

I gave Dal an incredulous look, "see...told ya."

Dally scowled at me, but turned his attention to Johnny, "actually shit hit the fan."  Johnny was quiet, waiting for Dally to continue, "Hart's knocked up."  I punched him in the arm and glared at him.

"You ok, Hartley," Johnny asked, taking my hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine,"  I squeezed his hand, "That's not all.  Quinn got attacked last night.  The guy," I swallowed, "raped her."

Johnny paled, "oh my god.  Who did it?"

"If she knows, she ain't saying."  Dally dug the toe of his shoe in the dirt, "The guy better hope we don't find out.  I'd hate to go up against Darry and Sodapop."

We sat quietly while we let Johnny digest the information.  I could tell he was angry, worried, and overall saddened by the news, "how's Kasey?"

"She's good.  The only one of us with a head on her shoulders," I tried to joke, but it came out more somber than I hoped.  "Hey, Dally and I moved in together."

Johnny, now, looked surprised, "at Buck's?"

"Nah, got us apartment.  Can't be raisin' a baby in a bar," Dally was really nonchalant about the whole thing.

We chatted and played poker until the physical therapist came to get Johnny.  The therapist put a walker in front of him, "wanna show off?"

Johnny grinned as he pulled himself up into a standing position.  He slowly took a few steps behind the walked.  I couldn't help but smile.  Even Dal smirked, "that's real great, Johnnycakes."  I swore I saw a tear in my brother's eye.

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