Chapter 26

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Hartley's POV

Quinn and I sat on her bed, in shock.  Quinn was still going through withdrawal and I put my hand on my pregnant belly.  We just got off the phone with Kasey, "did she just break up with us?" asked Quinn, in a shaky voice.

"I think so..." how the hell was I gonna get through the whole baby thing without both Quinn and Kasey.  Kasey was the levelheaded of us.  Quinn was great, don't get me wrong, but Kasey was our voice of reason, the logical one, the third we needed to complete us.

"She's too good for us," Quinn verbalized what I was thinking, "she's goin' somewhere," she shot me a sympathetic look, "I mean you're pregnant and I'm...well...I'm a fuckin' hot mess."

"Yeah...I guess she is..." Quinn wasn't wrong, but damn that hurt, that hurt more than I thought possible, "this is so unlike her. Do you think Steve knows anything?"

"I'll ask Soda, see what he says. You ask Steve?" Quinn suggested.  I just nodded.  I felt sick.  Something  just didn't feel right.  I shot a look at Quinn.  She looked like hell...this was like day 2 of withdrawal, "you take a rest, I'll see ya tomorrow."

I walked into mine and Dal's apartment.  I laid on our couch and rubbed my hand over my belly.  This baby sure was active.  She or he must be doing gymnastics or something. I've started referring to the baby as LG, short for littlest greaser, I'm hoping the nickname sticks.

Dally came out of his bedroom, "hey Hart, how's LG?"

"Ugh! Pretty sure LG is using my bladder as a trampoline." 

To my surprise, Dally put his hand on my stomach, "LG's gonna come out ready for his first rumble!" Dal chuckled.  "Everything ok, Hart?"

I shook my head, trying to keep the tears at bay, "Kasey said that Quinn and I are dead to her.  She said the whole gang is.  We're a distraction and are holding her back."

Kasey's POV

I punched the bag in front of me, pretending it was my dad. I pounded on the damn thing until all my strength was gone.  I went into the locker room to shower, "Randle!"

I had to laugh a bit, "Monroe!"

She was drying her hair with a towel, "what are you doing here so late?"

"Just working out..." I didn't tell her that I had been sleeping at the school for almost a week now.  No one knew...not even Steve.  I just told him I was in bed before he came home and left before he woke up, "what are you doing here so late?"

"Just shooting free throws and 3 pointers.  I missed a few last game, ya know."  This was weird.  Jessica Monroe is probably the most confident person I know.  She's good, knows she's good, but not in a cocky way.  Steve is cocky, almost to the point of arrogant, especially when it comes to cars.

"We all missed a few last game," I reminded her.  We played a tough team, but we came away with the win.

"Hey you're friends with the Winston and Curtis girls, ain't ya?"

"Nah, not anymore." That felt like a knife to the chest.

"Probably a good thing," she spoke callous, "who knocked up Winston?"

"She don't know."

"What caused Curtis to go all goth? She used to be so pretty, and damn that twin of hers is one sexy ass man."

Again, I just wasn't my story to tell. Monroe took her leave and I finished getting ready for bed. I had found a nice spot on the wrestling mats to sleep. I just had to make sure I was out of there before anyone noticed.

Quinn's POV

"Soda?" I tapped on his door, "can I come in?"

He opened up his door and put his fingers to his lips, indicating for me to be quiet.  Pony was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful and young at least for right now. Ponyboy had awful nightmares. I brushed the hair out of his eyes, bent down and kissed his forehead.

Soda and I went into my room, "you wanna talk about Kasey." It wasn't a question.

"Yeah," I nodded sadly.

"She broke up with Alec." That surprised me. Soda must have read my facial expression, "he came into the DX. Told Steve that he saw their dad beat her."

I was shocked, "really?? When was this?!"

"The night you got attack.  Alec stayed the night, her dad came in wasted."

"Why didn't she tell us?"

"I don't know, but I'm guessin' from Steve's reaction, he didn't know either."

My heart sank into my stomach.  Soda put his arm around me.  I cried for Kasey and Hartley.  I cried for Johnny, Steve, my brothers, and Two-Bit.  I cried tears I didn't even know I had.

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