Chapter 13

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Quinn's POV

I stopped by the train tracks to catch my breath, how could he? I thought to myself. My relationship with Soda suddenly changed and drastically, would we trust each other ever again?

"Quinn?" I jumped at the sound of my name, "hey, you're awfully close to Soc territory."

"Hey Chase," I put a hand over my chest, "you scared me."

He ran his hands through his dark hair. Chase has always been that awkward guy. Didn't really fit in with anyone. He was too socially awkward to be a soc even though his parents were loaded and definitely wasn't greaser. I'm not even sure if he had any middle class friends.

"What are ya doing out here?"

"Soda and I had a fight," I mumbled, "I needed to take a break."

"Whaddya fight about?" I couldn't believe it, but I went through the entire saga with Chase. He and I weren't even really friends. Just acquaintances from school. "'re like the hottest girl in school, Trent must be an idiot."

"Um thanks," Chase took a step toward me, "look, it's late and I should be getting back to my house." I was suddenly very uncomfortable. I reached back for my blade, but I didn't grab it when I bolted.

"No need to rush off," he took another step toward me, "we could have some fun." I definitely didn't like the look in his eye. He had at least 75lbs on me. He reached out and stroked my cheek. I kicked him in between his legs and went to run, but he grabbed my arm and pinned it to my back, "that was a real stupid move, Quinn." I could feel his hot breath on my ear.

"Chase, let me up," I tried to sound tough, but my voice wavered. He kept me pinned with one hand and moved the other to the snap on my jeans, "Chase, please," I begged, "just let me go home."

He yank me up and held me against the tree. He punch me in the face, pain exploded in my nose as I heard it crack. Blood gushed out of my nose. He ripped my shirt open, roughly grabbing my breasts, "Chase! Stop!" I cried out.

He slammed me on the ground, fumbling with my jeans, "Chase! No!" I tried to get away from bath him, but he slammed his fist in my face so hard I saw stars. He was able to get my pants and underwear down. I was sobbing.

"You deserve this, Quinn." His voice sent chills down my spine. I fought to close my legs, but he kneeled on my thighs. I howled in pain.

"No, Chase, please," I pleaded over and over again. I felt a sharp pain as he entered me.

I shrieked as he violently thrust in and out of me. I tried to concentrate on anything else except what was happening. After what seemed like forever, he stopped. I curled into the fetal position, sobbing my eyes out. He kicked me hard in the ribs, "thanks for the good time, whore."

He stalked away, leaving me on the ground, curled up in a shivering ball, in too much pain to move.

I'm not sure how long I laid on the damp ground. I knew the stars had moved. I gave a weak laugh, bad shit happens when someone gets hit at my house, I thought to myself, talk about irony.

I slowly sat up, wincing in pain. I pulled up my jeans. It was no use putting on my underwear. They were shredded. I covered myself the best I could with my shirt. I started the long walk home. I didn't even want to think what my brothers would say.

It wasn't long before a truck pulled up beside me, "Quinn?" I jumped and then sunk to the ground with relief. He got out of the truck, "oh god, Quinn, what happened?"

"Joe," I leaned into him as he lifted me, and set me in the truck.

"Quinn, are you?" Joe looked me over, "did you?"

"I think I was raped."

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