Chapter 10

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Kasey's POV

"Kasey," my boyfriend, Alec nudged me, "everything ok?"

I offered a small smile, "yeah, just a lot on my mind."

He kissed my cheek, "what time is your game? 5:30?"

I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips, "always." Alec and I have been together for about a year. Like Trent, Alec was middle class, but he was a little more Soc.  He and I are the ones who set up Trent and Quinn, although, the more I hang out with Trent, the more I regret setting them up.  He gets so jealous.  She hasn't even introduced him to Soda, which is a huge deal.

I headed into the locker room to get changed for the game. Basketball was gonna be my ticket outta this place. I started playing when I was 6 and never stopped. I pulled my top off, wincing a bit. I had some nasty bruising to my side from the beating I took the night before. Nobody knows my dad hits me, not even Steve. He assumes it's just him and that's fine with me. Steve would kill em'. I heard other teammates come stomping down the stairs and quickly through my practice jersey on. "Randle!" Jessica Monroe, our point guard yelled at me, "you ready to stomp those Braves?"

"Hell yeah!" I cheered.  The Braves killed us last time we played them, so tonight, we were gonna slaughter them.  We don't take losing lightly.  I pulled my long hair in a ponytail, then piled it on top of my head in a messy bun.  The team finished getting ready.  We ran up the stairs, whoopin' and hollerin', running toward the gym.  I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks, Trent was making out with Sandy...Soda's girlfriend, "what the fuck is going on?" I grabbed Sandy's arm and yanked her away.

Her blue eyes widen, " was an accident. Please don't tell Soda."

I glared at both of them, "so you fell and ended up playing tonsil hockey? Soda and Quinn deserve better than you two." I stalked off, anger seared through me. I found Alec and motioned him over, "Trent is cheatin' on Quinn." I growled.

"How do you know."

"Saw him suckin' face with Sandy."

"He's such an ass," Alec gave me a hug, "don't let this mess with you game."

"I won't. I play better when I'm pissed." 

I always start the game since I'm the tallest.  I faced my opponent, the ref through the ball in the air, I jumped and got the tip off to Monroe.  The game was on and I left it all on the court.

Hartley's POV

I went into my room and started packing what little belongings I had.  I told Dally that I would meet him over at the Curtis's.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A voice growled behind me.

"I'm gonna go live with Dal," I said, not turning around.

He grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around, "no you ain't, I still get money for ya.  You ain't goin' no where."  He slapped me across the face, hard.  My hand instinctively went to my stomach.  I heard him unbuckle his belt.  I curled into the fetus position, protecting my baby as the old man rained blow after blow on my back and shoulders.  I lost track of how many times he hit me.  I learned a long time ago not to cry or scream, just lay there and take it.  After what felt like forever, he finally stopped, "fuckin' ungrateful brat."

He stomped off.  I heard his car start.  I picked myself up off the floor, didn't even bother to take inventory of my injuries, finished packing, and made my way down the silent street to Quinn's house.

"What the hell happened to you?" Two asked the second I stepped through the door.

"Nothin', I'm fine."  I set my stuff down, "you seen Dal?"

Two-Bit shook his head, "said he would be coming over here."  He lifted my chin, "ol' man again?"  I nodded, "you tell him your preggo?"

"Naw, told him I was movin' with Dally."

Two-Bit spit out his beer, "what?" he sputtered.

"Dal got an apartment." I had to laugh at Two's expression.  His mouth hung open.

"You get your stuff, Hart," my brother walked into the house and plopped on the couch, "what's with him?" He gestured at Two-Bit.

"Told him we were movin' in together."  I cocked my head sideways and waved my hand infront of his face, "I think I broke him."

Hartley WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now