Chapter 2

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We pulled over on a dirt road for Liam to change the tire in the van. I still don't know how they got it or how they got me to it, but I wasn't going to ask those questions.

"How long where you guys at the camp?" I asked. "Well I was there for about a year, chubs 2, and zu about 1 and a half, how about you?" Liam said.

"I was there for 6 years." I said. He looked shocked.

"So your what 16?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think...idk I've lost track over the years." He told me the year and I confirmed that I was 16 then.

"So what are your powers?" I asked after we were silent for some time.

"Well I'm blue, chubs is blue too and zu is a yellow." Liam said. So that explained the gloves.

"Ok you keep saying chubs, right? Your name is chubs?" I looked at the darker skinned boy.

"It's Charles to you!" He snapped at me.

"So what are you? Green right?" Chubs asked, I nodded.

"So where are we? And who were those people back there?" I asked.

"That was a skip tracer, bounty hunters, like that girl, lady Jane. And then the league are the other people. They aren't good either." Chubs said. "Man for a green you take a while." He added.

"Yeah well sorry I'm still recovering from a near death experience!" I snapped. "Sorry....sorry." I said. "I just want to go home." I said.

"You can't. Well I mean you can we just have to find the slip kid first!" Liam said.

"Who?" I asked. Chubs looked at Liam as if to tell him not to but he told me anyway.

"He got the name cause he slipped custody 4 times. He runs a camp called east river, a place where it's safe for kids in the outside, and apparently he's an orange."

"Wow great Liam, now just tell her your favorite color and shoe size while your at it....oh dinner! Sweet... literally!" Chubs said. "We're your best shot at getting home."Liam said as he floated a Twinkie at me.

I joined them at the picnic setup zu had. Taking my spot next to her she moved to make room for me. I looked at Liam and saw him staring at me. He looked away quickly before I saw the tips of his ears flush pink.
We were on the road for a while before he pulled off into the woods, out of sight of the road. He made a small fire and kept it going until everyone decided to pile into the back of the van to sleep.

I woke in the middle of the night feeling like I couldn't breathe. I had a nightmare of the night of the escape. The gunshot. The terrifying walk that I had that night.

I got out of the van trying to be quiet. And I slumped down. I had no one to trust, talk to. So I broke down. I fell down to the ground and just curled up into a protective ball.

I sobbed and sobbed until I heard twigs breaking. I turned and saw a man. "Hey it's just me!" Liam said with his hands in the air.

"I didn't mean to wake you." I said.

He sat next to me. Almost, but not quite touching me. "That's not the point, Are you okay?" He asked.

"Are any of us?" I asked him in return. He shook his head.

"I guess not." He said.

"I had a nightmare. About the night we escaped." A look of pain came over his face. "Only in this one, I got caught. And they tortured me, and beat me, and it's like I could feel it happening, and then, in the end, they killed me." I was crying again.

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