Chapter 9

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(Ok so if your a boy or you just get grossed out by blood or periods skip this chapter. It talks about periods in this chapter)


We left early in the morning, before the sun came up. We didn't want to run into the other kids at the mall.

I woke up next to zu, but she didn't wake me, someone was rubbing circles on my back. I turned to face Liam. He was still really tired, and chubs was asleep next to him.

"Hey darlin. Long night?" He asked me. Crap, did zu tell him. "Why do you ask?" I asked him back. Maybe he was just asking. "Don't get mad at her, but zu told me this morning that you were crying."

Really zu! "Oh, I was just overwhelmed. We haven't had any good news here recently and I just had to let it all out, you know?"

He looked at me funny. Like he knew I was lying to him. "Ok, well next time if you need to talk, you can wake me up ok?"

I nodded and started to sit up and wake zu. Liam worked on getting chubs up and all our stuff. We loaded into the van and headed on our route, to where we thought east river was.

We were in the car for a little while. I took a quick nap, when I woke the sun was up. It felt nice on my skin. Warm.

Liam put his hand down in mine on the center Console. I closed my eyes and all I could see was what happened with me and Greg. It played in my mind over and over.

I opened my eyes to see we were pulled into a gas station. Liam looked furious. "Why didn't you tell me?" He yelled.

"W- wh- what are you talking about?" I asked. My voice small. "About what happened with Greg?"

As he said that I turned to look at zu and she had her hands up, she didn't tell him. "How did you find out about that?" I asked.

"You just showed me what happened, with your mind or whatever!" He said. Omg, somehow I slipped in his mind and he was seeing what I was seeing.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked again. "I don't know, I panicked and I didn't want to raise any suspicion. And you couldn't have done anything either. I told him to forget what happened, so it was pointless."

"Yeah but we could have left right away!" He said. Raising his voice again. He started to talk again but what cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut.

When I got out to see what it was, zu had a bag on her back and was running into the gas station. "Stay here! I'll check on her, girl to girl." I said to Liam.

He didn't want to but he complied. I walked in and saw her shut the bathroom door, trying to hide. "Zu, Honey I'm sorry Liam raised his voice. Are you ok?" I asked her.

Of course she didn't answer. It was another minute until the door opened and she pulled me in, locking the door behind us. She pointed to the sink where her pants lay.

Ohh. She got her period. Crap. "Ohh, uhh do you know what this is?" She would have been scared if she hadn't know, but she nodded her head.

"Ok uhh let me go grab some things ok? And uhh while I do Change and clean up ok?" And I got out.

Crap how do I explain to a child all this. I learned from other girls in my cabin, and i hardly knew anything about it. They didn't teach us about it. They just gave us pads and stuff and had us use them, they never told us how.

When I came back she had changed. I told her how to put the pad on and handed the box to her and stepped out.

She came back out with new pants on. "You ok?" I asked her. She nodded. Me and her used soap to clean her stuff. "You know we're gonna have to tell them.." I told her after some time.

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