Chapter 7

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I went back to get zu and chubs. Chubs asked if I was okay when I got back and he saw it was just me. "Go on in zu, me and Charles just have to grab a few things." She did as she was told.

"You can call me chubs now....but What is going on with you and Liam? You were fine earlier and then you came back from the walk and you two like......hated each other." He scrunched his nose with that last part.

"Me and him got into an argument. We are fine though. I was just telling him something he needed to know." He looked at me like I was stupid. "He is my best friend I know him better than that. You didn't just do that,'s like you broke him." He said.

I grabbed his hand. He tried to pull free. "Do you want to know what happened yes or no!" This time he didn't pull free.

When he resurfaced out of the memory he was shocked. "Now you see? He doesn't get it. I won't always be with you guys." I said in a quiet voice.

"You need to apologize to him." Was all he said.

"What?!" No no no! He didn't get it either.

"You need to apologize, not because your wrong, but because he.....he's hurting. You two are close, no doubt about it, and he doesn't want to let you go. None of us do. I mean deep down he knew this was coming. But I guess he never really thought about it, it wasn't really discussed, you just- just- joined us and it stayed that way."

I felt hurt. I never thought about it that way. "Ok, if he will let me talk to him, I will." He gave me a small smile. "Now, let's go before they try to leave us."
Me and zu were trying on clothes on one side of the store while the boys hit the other side. I found her some pink gloves and a pink dress.

She loved her new gloves. And she looked good with them. And I felt bad that she always had to wear them. Afraid of everything she touched.

She gave me a prom dress to try on. Of course I had too. When I came out I saw that Liam and chubs had joined her. It was a pretty blue dress that I had tried on.

Ball gown style. It was the only one I agreed to try on. "Oh gosh I didn't realize I had a crowd!" I said blushing. I looked at Liam but he wouldn't meet my eyes. He was still hurt and he had a good reason to be.

"You look great Genevieve!" Said chubs while zu clapped. I saw him step on liams foot. "Yeah. You look good" he said and then he looked at zu. "You both do!" And he gave Her a spin. I laughed and went back in to change.

When I came back out only zu was their. But she ran off when she gave me a wave. Just so I knew she wasn't dead and that They didn't leave me.

I walked around some. Grabbed more clothes and shoved them in my bag. I went to the book section and saw chubs was also their. "Hey, any book suggestions?" I asked him.

"Nah, they don't have Any good ones." He said. But he was wrong. I saw one that I liked. "Water ship down!" I said aloud. It was my favorite as a little girl. Still was.

"You like it? I just put it their, you can have it" he said and walked off with a handful of books. So much for not any good ones. I thought with a chuckle.

I was walking around some more, when I heard a guitar being played. I hid behind some shelves and watched Liam play.

I sat down behind the shelves after about 5 minutes. He was really really good. He started to sing, and I recognized the song. "Wouldn't it be nice" by The Beach Boys.

It was my favorite song. And before long I was whisper singing along with him. That was until he walked up to me. "No need to keep hiding" he said and walked off.

I hadn't realized he had stopped playing, I was so in the moment. "Wait Liam!" I said and caught up to him. "I didn't mean to be intrusive. I just heard you playing and uhh, your really good, at playing and singing." I said.

" have a nice voice too." He said. Still not stopping. "Liam please listen to me!" He turned around and we were inches from each others faces.

"I think I already did...... if you didn't forget about what happened back in the woods." He gave me a look of hurt. I took so much for me not to kiss him. He started to turn away but I grabbed his wrist and that was it.

He kissed me, and i kissed him back. He pushed me back until I hit one of the shelves. The kiss was deep and passionate. Hungry. He pulled back. And I looked at him. Tears in both our eyes.

"I didn't mean it." Was all I said. I said it over and over until it wasn't audible. He set me down on the floor gently. He placed my head on his shoulder and used his fingers to brush my hair.

"I'm so sorry Liam! I just....I guess we never spoke about what would come after we got to the camp and met the slip's all gonna's all gonna he so so different." I said to him.

"Shhh it's ok, your ok!" He brushed my hair as he said it. We laid their for a while before I spoke.

"I'm ready. To talk." I said. He looked at me. "About what darlin?" I let out a shaky breath. "My nightmare." He looked shocked.

"You don't have-." But I cut him off. "It was right after me and you had our argument in the car. I must have fell asleep, cause I walked into the hotel room, in my dream, and it was cleared out, so I went back to the car, and it was cleared out." I said having to stop to breathe.

"I saw you guys running into the woods. So I followed, but was stopped by Sam, my old bestfriend. She was so angry, because I accidentally took her memories, but some how she rembered now, and she was mad at me for doing it." He looked shocked. And I half expected him to pull away.

"And then my parents showed up, and the same thing happened, they were mad about me taking their memories, and I tried to explain that I was 10 and didn't understand and that I was sorry, but they weren't believing me. My dad had a gun and he kept hitting me and they kept kicking me.......and they tied me to a tree and.....and." He shushed me. Trying to calm me down.

"And my dad shot me in the stomach, and then he shot me in the head! And they kept telling me horrible things like they didn't love me and they never would! And you guys wouldn't show up! You left me..... and it all felt so real. And when I woke up. I was so scared. It's like I could feel the pain. Actually feel the gun wounds, and my body hurt so bad."

He just looked at me , Although he looked distant. "You erased yourself from your parents......" he said. I nodded and cried harder. "Please don't leave Liam! I was little and I didn-." But he cut me off.

"Is that why you didn't tell me? And is that why you didn't want us touching? You thought I was gonna leave you? I would never!" He said and he just hugged me.

We laid their and I rocked her. She was scared that I would leave her if I knew her secret. And I guess I would be too.

"Hey, look at me gen." She didn't look at me. "Darlin. I wouldn't ever leave you. I know you wouldn't have done that on purpose, and that dream of yours was silly. We couldn't ever leave you, not if your green, not if your orange. Doesn't matter, your you and that's all that matters. Ok? We all love you so so much!" I mumbled under my breath. "Some more than others..." she turned to look at me.

"What did you just say ?" She said. "Uhh that we wouldn't leave you?" I said.

She looked at me. "No! After that!"

I looked at her and said. "Nothing you need to worry about darlin." And She smiled at that.

Chubs and zu found us after a while and zu ran up to hug gen when she saw she had been crying. Chubs pulled me aside. "Uhh what just happened?"

"Me and gen made up." He looked at me all nervous. "Are you sure?" He questioned me.

I looked a gen and winked. "Positive." I said to him.

We continued to walk around and as found some old bikes. I pushed chubs and gen pushed zu. She didn't know how to ride a bike and well I was too tall, so we raced them.

Me and gen walked around together when we came across something out of the ordinary and she looked at me with panic.

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