Chapter 25

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(I'm not ready to end this book so here is some stuff just to add to it!) also sorry this is a shorter chapter.


when I wake back up I'm no longer in the car. I'm in a small room on a bed. I'm still in my clothes from the camp and it makes me want to rip them off.

I come to my senses quickly and realize that Genevieve isn't with me in the room. I sit up and try jump out of the bed. I quickly realize I'm tied down with cuffs on either side of me.

I panic and pull on them hurting my wrists. Genevieve is here with them and god knows what they are doing to her. If they know she is both colors they won't stop for anyone to test her.

I feel tears down my face and I don't know what to do anymore. I give up. I let my sore wrists fall onto the bed and I just lay their. Thinking.

I've brought her so much pain and I just want to take that away. But how did she even get in contact with the league in the first place? Does she know people in it?

I saw a necklace in her hand that was red and one in the woman's hand when she showed up. She must have gotten it from that bag Zu got from the gas station.

I had heard the door unlock and a woman and a man walk in. The woman from earlier and rob meadows. One of the agents I've heard of and I hate him from what I know.

I scowl at him and the woman comes over and unlocks the cuffs. "Where is Genevieve?!" I ask her. She doesn't answer and even though I don't have a mean bone in my body, I lunge at her.

She steps back and rob holds up his gun. "Where is she?!" I ask them again. This time rob steps closer to me.

"She is in another room." He says to me.

"Take me to her!" I demand. She shakes her head no and I walk closer to her. She steps back and pulls out her gun.

"Keep walking closer and you won't see her again Stewart!" Rob tells me and I walk to the bed. I don't need a fight. I need to see Genevieve again.

"She is fine. She is still sleeping and when she wakes you may see her." Says the woman. "I'm cate." She tells me. I just nod.

"So, care to tell us what she is?" They asked me. "We have ran many tests and each time it comes up different. Once it said orange and another it said red." Cate explains.

"You said you wouldn't lay a hand on her! You promised her you wouldn't hurt her, are you trying to get yourself killed?!" I say to her raising my voice.

I know they would do this. I knew they will hurt her and prod at her brain to figure this out.

They are as bad as Leda Corp. once they get what they won't they won't need her. They will get rid of her. Kill her even.

"First off, we never promised her anything!" Rob starts to say but it cut off by cate.

"We didn't hurt her. We ran her under a few machines, no cuts or scratches were needed." Its they way she says needed. Like they would have if the other ways weren't up for option.

I look away. "If you want us to dig deeper and do more tests then we ca-." She starts to say but I cut her off.

"I don't know what she is!" I say to them in a very harsh tone. "She is red. And she is orange. Auburn. That's what I think of her as." I add softly.

" you know how? Why?" She asks me and I stand up. I hold out my hand to tell her to stop but they get the wrong idea and rob turns on the white noise.

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