Chapter 6

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I went inside and grabbed our things. I grabbed Genevieves too since she didn't look like she was going to come inside. I cleared the place and double checked to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Once it was good as new I shut the door and got in the van with chubs and zu. I looked back and Genevieve was out cold. She would toss and turn every once and a while and I knew she was having a nightmare. Again.

"Hey zu place her head on your lap and play with her hair?" She did. But she was still tossing and turning. Chubs got in the back and tried to wake her but she wouldn't .

"What's wrong with her? Why won't she wake up?" Chubs asked me. I didn't know either. "She just used her powers before she went to sleep, maybe she was worn out. That's what happened last time, when she used them on lady Jane. She had a nightmare but I couldn't wake her. And these are the only times I haven't been able to wake her from them."

Chubs looked concerned. And he never really was concerned about Genevieve. "Idk man this doesn't seem ok." He said. And it was chubs.

She kept saying our names. And then she said her parents names and some other person named Sam. But she was still in her dream. "She's in pain, whatever that nightmare is doing to her, she is in pain!" Chubs said to me.

When she talked it sounded awful, like someone was actually hurting her. What is happening to her? "Chubs get a wet wash rag and put it on her forehead."

Chubs looked at me. And then back to her. He felt her head and took it away immediately. "Omg! She is burning up!" He looked at me.

"Zu! I need you to get a water bottle and a wash rag!" She did. When she came close to Genevieve he barked at her "no! We don't know what she could do while she is out. I don't want accidentally getting hurt!" He was scaring zu.

"What he means zu is that if she were to lash out an arm or a leg, he doesn't want it accidentally getting you." I said as she sat next to me in the front. She relaxed a little when I said that.

We were driving for another five minutes until I heard a scream come from the back. It was Genevieve. I pulled over and slammed on the breaks.

I hopped into the back and moved chubs out of the way. I grabbed her and held her close. Chubs made me put her down though.

I could see zu crying in the front looking back at her body. "LIAM!?!!! CHUBS?!!! ZU?!!? PLEASE HELP!" She wouldn't stop screaming. I heard zu in the front Yell "GENEVIEVE!" but she put her hand over her mouth as soon as she said it.

Genevieve clutched her stomach and screamed. I didn't know what to do. She was hurting and we couldn't stop it. She then moved her hands to her forehead and screamed.

That's was it. She gasped for air and Her eyes flew open. she was crying and screaming. "No no no please Liam come back! I need you!" She was crying. I picked her up and held her close to me.

"Shh I'm right here. Zu and chubs are here! It's ok your safe now!" She tried to get away but I wouldn't let her. She cried in my arms for a while. Chubs offered to drive even though he couldn't see.

I know he wanted to do something so I let him. At a slow pace. "Lee! It hurts! It hurts so so bad! And it won't stop!" She said. Somehow she was feeling whatever happened in her dream.

"They hate me! You all hated me!" She was saying.

"Hey! None of us hate you! It's ok we aren't going anywhere! Ok? Tell me about it later. You need to calm down!" She was still crying.

When we stopped for a restroom break me and her stayed in the car. "I'm really sorry about today. I know I scared zu and all of you. And I ruined today's trip. I put us on delay."

I looked at her and kissed her forehead. "Darlin. Zu was scared because you were hurting, and you should feel special.....She spoke for the first time!" She looked at me "really? What did she say?"

"She just said your name, but you didn't ruin today. You didn't delay us either. We have all the time in the world."

She looked at me. "Really? We have quite the opposite of that in my opinion!" She laughed.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She said as she blushed.

"I love your laugh!" I said to her.

"Your a dork Liam!" She hugged me Until we heard a knock on the door to let chubs and zu back in.

"Ok, we looked at the map and we are only about an hour away from the mall, so you two go to the restroom and hurry back!" Chubs said to us.

"Yes sir." I heard gen mumble. I laughed and she punched my arm.
We went opposite directions, obviously, and when I got back I waited for her.

She came back about five minutes later. "Sorry I didn't mean to take so long!" She pointed out she had been gone for a while.

"I wanted to take a nice walk since we are always cooped up in that stupid van!" She said to me.

"Hey that's no way to talk about Betty!" She scoffed when I said that.

"Sorry for hurting the feelings of a 20 year old cleaning supply van!"

I glared at her and she shut up. I laughed, and she joined in. "Hey chubs! We are gonna take a quick walk! You and zu can join if you want!" I shouted

"Nah! You can have her to yourself lee!" Chubs said and I glared at him as he laughed at me.

We were about 5 minutes down a trail when she stopped. "We should head back. We don't want to get to the mall before it closes!" She said with as sarcastic tone.

"Hey wait.......what was your dream about? You never told me." She looked pained. "Only if you want to tell me that is." I didn't want to force her to tell me.

"I'll tell you when we get to the mall. It's a uhh- uh- long story." She said and I saw tears in her eyes. I turned her to face me. "Liam please don't." She said and she closed her eyes.

"What? Your in pain and you just expect me to let you go? I won't force you to tell me what happened in that nightmare but ...... it's killing me that your in pain and you won't let me help and that I can't help!."

She looked at me. "Liam, I do expect you to let me go because Sooner or later our group will split up! As soon as we get to that stupid camp we all will be on our separate ways! I'll go back to my grams, chubs will find his parents, you with yours, and zu.....zu will find her family....." she was crying and she started to choke on her words.

I looked away from her, she didn't know but her words hurt me a lot. "I'm sorry.....but you know it's true! I can't afford to get attached to you guys, when In the end, we won't end up together....everyone I've ever know has been hurt by me, sooner or later, and I don't want to hurt you guys."

I didn't understand why she kept saying that, she wouldn't tell us anything still, she was still hiding something. "Look, fine whatever, you don't want us getting close to you, I get it, but just remember, this is a place where you don't have to lie." I hit her with her own words.

She looked at me, I wanted to hug her so badly, but I couldn't. I simply turned on my heels. "I'll be waiting at the van for you when your ready."

We arrived at the mall and me and gen were the ones to get out to scout the area. "Chubs if I come back and you two are out of the car you'll be dead!" I said to chubs.

"Yeah yeah whatever just hurry up and I won't have to get out!" I turned around to find gen waiting for me. I went to grab her hand but she pulled away.

Part of me felt hurt whereas the other part of me understood why she was doing this. She wanted me to be safe, but I wanted her to know she was loved, and welcomed.

We walked around the whole place and it was safe so she went out to get them and I stared to get supplies.

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