Chapter 19

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just like before, Liam threw himself into his work, only this time was different. He still was busy a lot of the time, but he took out some days to see us.

Every two weeks I would take out 2 days from working with Clancy and spend it with Liam, Zu, and chubs. They also asked him for those days off and we would made up the work on weekends.

Today sadly wasn't one of those days. I woke up and Liam wasn't in our cabin. He probably went to early breakfast.

They have two breakfasts and two dinners here. One breakfast is really early for the guards and the second is for the others like me, Zu, and chubs. Then the same for dinner only reversed. The first is for us and the later one is for the guards who work late or just woke up for shift.

I tossed and turned in bed until I heard the bell for our breakfast. I ran out of the cabin hoping I would catch up to Liam only to find him walking away with his buds.

He looked happy and I didn't want to ruin the moment so I walked to the cafeteria. I was gonna eat breakfast with Clancy this morning.

Normally I do, just cause Zu sits with her cousin and friends and chubs when I ask to sit with him or if I can sit with him just says he is going to the cabin, in which I don't wanna be in.

So I head off to Clancy's office. I was gonna skip breakfast this morning.

When I walked in Clancy had two plates. "Hungry much?" I said with a laugh. I broke him out of a sorts trance.

"Oh yeah that's what it looks like. No I got you a plate. You normally eat this so I hope you like?" He said to me with a grin.

"Wha-how did you know that was my favorite, and that I was gonna skip..." I asked him.

"I was in the cafeteria this morning and saw you walked out with nothing.  So I grabbed an extra for you." He said. 

I smiled. Clancy was always like this. Nice and caring. He made sure I ate well only cause when in my memories he saw how little I ate and how I always put other first.

So he put me first. He always made sure I got my meals in. And frankly it was weird, but nice.

"I see I'm back on you watchlist then?" I asked sarcastically and he nodded. We dug into our meals barely talking to each other.

"Ok so I was thinking today you try to get into my head more than try to block me out?" He asked. I nodded.

"Finally! I feel like we have tried so hard for me to block you out rather than try to get in control of me being in others heads!" I said and his smile fell.

"If you wanted to try other things you could have said so." He said kinda upset.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just want to be better in control of being in others heads." I said to him quickly. I didn't want him thinking I'm hating what he is doing.

"Yes but you have to be in control of your mind before you are others!" He says to me and I nod. He had told me this many many times. It's getting old.

"I know." I mumble back to him.

He just shakes his head and walked over to the bed. That's where we sit. The floor was too uncomfortable for my back, the couch we didn't have good access to each other, his table was too small, and the bed was just right.

We could sit across from each other. Sometimes when I got tired I could take a nap and he would do whatever work he needed to catch up on.

"Ok push an image into my head." He said. When I tried their was a curtain around his mind. I tried for what seemed like years till I gave up.

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