Chapter 8

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I looked at Liam as soon as I saw it. It said GET OUT. I started to back up and I screamed as I was thrown into the ground. I looked up to see Liam thrown up in the air.

All the sudden he was coming down and he landed on top of me. He rammed his shoulder into my chest knocking the wind out of me. I started to panic as a I couldn't get any wind in my lungs.

We were both thrown in the air again. "What's going on?" I managed to get out. "I don't know!" Liam said back.

"STOP!" He yelled and they did, just not in a good way. We were dropping to the ground at a very fast rate. I was ready for impact but it never came.

Liam stopped us with his powers. Then we were being thrown back. Towards jewelry, rubber ducks, bouncy balls, and weights. I grabbed onto Liam as he put his arms in front of us to move the weights.

We dropped to the ground and I stood up quickly. My whole body started to heat up and I was getting really angry.

And then It went away and I couldn't breathe. They were trying to choke me. Liam stood up not realizing I was choking.

Zu found us. She took her gloves off and touched a strand of lights causing the kid to lose focus on me. As the air flooded my lungs I choked on it. Liam finally turned when he heard me coughing.

Chubs grabbed zu away from the lights so she wouldn't hurt herself. Liam helped me up. He started towards them but I pulled him back.

My voice was raspy. "Hey their just kids." I said.

"Hey man what the hell?" Liam asked. "Look, you could've been tracers, no hard feelings, we're sorry!" One of the boys said. "Look you can stay here for the night....but only tonight!" He said

Chubs and zu followed they boys to their setup but me and liam stayed behind. "Hey you ok gen?" He asked.

"Idk......before the boy tried to choke me.....I felt-I - I don't even know what I felt but it was different. It wasn't right. Something felt wrong." I said.

He looked at me. "What do you mean wrong?"

"I don't know. My body just felt different, like something came over me.....because I got really protective of you guys." I said.

"Ok well let's just head to our tent.....if something comes up, tell me, ok?" He said to me. I just nodded.
We were sitting around a fire, I was half listening. I didn't really care. I wanted to know what that feeling was. It was like my body got super hot. I thought.

But that doesn't make sense. I'm orange not red. So why did I feel that way? Nothing was adding up.

"Yeah the slip kid?" Liam said. Pulling me out of my trance. Slip kid! He can help me! "Do you guys know where his is?" I asked not being able to contain myself.

"Yeah? Why?" Said Greg, one of the boys. "Where can we find him? Like can you give us any directions?" I asked.

"Well if you want to know, you have to find east river yourselves." He said, his expression changing after he said it. Into something, mischievous.

" but I'm sure they would be happy to have you" he said his fingers sliding up from my shoe to stroke my ankle. I tried to move away from him but stopped when he added.

" it's in a really great location near the coast, but there aren't a whole lot of girls. They could use some thing so... Nice to look at." He moved his fingers so they were now tracing my calf.

" you should go. It's safer than getting caught by one of the tribes. There's a group of blue kids that hang out around Norfolk— They are nasty. Steal the clothes right off your back. There was a tribe of yellows around here for a while, but a kid we were in camp with claims they were all taken by PSF's"

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