Chan's a photographer and can't seem to find the right model until his beloved friend Minho scrolls through instagram and finds one for him.
"Your perfect"
"Only you think that..."
Other SKZ ships included~
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55k Likes 23k Comments Hannie // Thanksfor making my boyfriend hot for once Tagged - @BangMan
BangMan // Dude- it was really hard, you have no idea! Minhoo◇ // Excuse me? I'm always Hot! Binniepiggy // "always" you have your moments
Seungpup // Wait.... is this make fun of Minho day? Yonbokie // I have MANY of these!
Pinkjeon // But... Maknae on Top!! Hyunsoup // Another time, baby Pinkjeon // No now! Baby wants it now! Hyunsoup // Are you really stomping your foot?! Pinkjeon // Maybe...
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63k Likes 53k Comments Pinkjeon // This could be us, but your just playing :( Tagged - @Hyunsoup
Hyunsoup // Yeah! Well, Mario isn't gonna save the princess by himself, now can he?! Yonbokie // Technically... Hyunsoup // Shut up
Yonbokie // @BangMan your friends being mean to me :'( BangMan // I have the gun in the back just wait
Hannie // @Minhoo◇ You know- Minhoo◇ // Don't even try it, mister Hannie // So... mister I see ;)
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