~Chapter 6~♡

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112k Likes 345k CommentsPinkjeon // I'm bored again, @Binniepiggy please come over

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112k Likes 345k Comments
Pinkjeon // I'm bored again, @Binniepiggy please come over

Binniepiggy // I can't baby I'm working
Pinkjeon // Working?? Are you over working yourself?? You shouldn't do that...
Binniepiggy // No, I'm helping a friend out, once I'm done I'll go to your place and snuggle the heck out of you!
Pinkjeon // I'll be waiting ;)

Hannie // At least your boyfriend cares...
Pinkjeon // Stop with that nonsense, Minho loves you too!
Hannie // He has a funny way of showing it
Pinkjeon // :(

Yonbokie // I wanna snuggle with someone too
BangMan // Later...
Yonbokie // You don't even know where I live
BangMan // Maybe later you can show me and we can talk some more
Yonbokie // So getting to know each other more?? Totally! I'm in
BangMan // Sweet!


Pov - Chan

As me and Changbin drove to the party store he looked down at his phone smiling. I tried to peak over but he noticed and scooted his phone farther to his face. 

"Don't try it, Chan" he spat at me. He went back to smiling and typing something.

"So you can text Jeongin with a smile on your face, but when you talk to me you glare. Thanks for being so sweet"

Changbin sighed out loud and turned his phone off pushing it into his pocket. "Whatever, mister I take photos for Instagram models but hate it when they post them on Instagram"

"Real classy, Changbin or should I say, Binnie~" I teased as we stopped in front of the shop.

A low growl left the boys body. "Only Jeongin's aloud to call me that"

I thew my hands up in the air quickly. We both stepped out of the car making are way to the doors. As we looked around we found plates with little dinosaurs on them, Changbin quickly scooping them up and putting them in the basket.

Of course forks came next making sure to get Jisung's favorite colour. We spotted streamers and poppers, I had an idea about how easily Jisung got scared but it would still be fun to have. I separated from Changbin seeing that they were selling new lenses for cameras.

I thought back on mine, maybe I should get some new ones just in case. As I was taking some something caught my eye, I held the lenses with one hand and walked to were the balloons were. I grabbed gold and pink since they worked together, grabbing two of each colour.

A small plushy of a cat sat at the register as we started to check out. It made me think of Felix and how he might like it since it was really cute. When Changbin started to walk away with are stuff I quickly payed for the stuffed animal and ran back to him.

Changbin's phone buzzed and checked his text. "Minho said he's at the park and found a nice bench with a roof over it. He didn't get a cake though"

I looked at Changbin confused, no cake then what did he get him?

"He got a cheesecake for him, since he likes those better" he explained making sure I got it. "He also wanted to know if you bought your camera so they could take pictures together"

I nodded, of course. I always made sure to take my camera everywhere with me. Never being too sure when I might need it for something.

Changbin worked his fingers against his screen quickly typing to Minho that, I did in fact have my camera and that we we're on are way.


Pov - Felix

After the phone call from Chan I quickly changed my clothes since I was in my pajamas. I changed into my sweats and bolted to my car hurrying to Jisung's house.

Early we texted and he didn't really want me over but I'm going to listen to Chan. Even if I didn't know him that well, he promised we would get to know each other better so that's a Winwin situation for me.

I made it to Jisung's making sure to knock on his door. The door creaked open and a sad squirrel had opened it. Tears ran down his face as he had a glint of hope in his eyes, that maybe just maybe it would have been Minho. I started to feel bad as tears went faster down his face.

I hugged him tightly walking backwards with him in my arms making sure to kick the door shut behind me with my foot. "Hey, I'm right here, honey" I whispered in his ears trying to calm him down.

His head shook into my shoulder and I just sighed. Minho will pay for this, I don't care if he just needed help with setting stuff up, not only did he probably forget, but he didn't try to come here and see what was going on.

"I can't believe he really forgot, lixie" Jisung cried harder onto my shirt. My heart broke seeing my friend like this.

I rocked his and my body back and forth slowly spinning in circles. "He didn't forget-"

"How do you know?!" He interpreted while shouting and bawling up my shirt. "He hasn't even said Happy Birthday to me. I don't care if he didn't give me a gift or a cake or a party even. I just wanted him to say Happy Birthday!"

I nodded listening to him cry and talk at the same time.

"It's not that hard is it??" He asked me with tear stained cheeks and a runny nose.

"Oh, Jisung. No its not hard to do, but maybe he was planning something special for you?"

Jisung tsked at me "He never plans stuff for us!"

I shook my head at him, "Well, maybe this time he is?"

He looked at me and glared "Why are you defending him so much, I'm your best friend not him!"

We went on and on about how Minho loved Jisung but it wasn't working. He was being to stubborn by the time I got him to calm down it was at least 11:12.

Where are you guys?? They should've texted me by now, it's almost time. Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket, I quickly scooped it out reading the text from Chan.

We're ready

Took you long enough

Haha I'm sorry there's so much Minsung right now and trust me I know it's not a Minsung story but I kind of want to do this for Felix and Chan to get along more

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