~Chapter 20~♡

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Pov - Author's

"Hey kids want some candy?" An older looking male came over. Slowly he kept walking hands in his jacket pocket. Probably fiddling with something that the two couldn't quite make out.

Minseok pulled Felix's wrist down to her so that he sat back down on the bench. Jumping in surprise he looked back at her and she whipered. "Just go with it"

He didn't get it but at that point he sure got it.

Lips met his and he couldn't have been more discusted in his life. Yeah, he's done a lot of weird things, kissing a frog thinking it would become a handsome prince, but who didn't do that. Starting a middle school garage band thinking that they actualy sounded good...

He would glady repeat those, but the one that he didn't want to do again was kissing a girl. Of course for good reasons, they didn't do anything wrong to him, girls just didn't make him feel anything.

So this kiss felt so fake and blunt to him. He quickly pulled away making a gagging noise after.

Minseok hit his shoulder hard and gave him a death glare. "You we're suppose to kiss back you idiot" she whispered.

"I'm sorry, but I'm gay"

"I'm lesbian and have a girlfriend too. I was trying to get that man away but thanks to yo-"

She couldn't finish her sentence as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. "Escuse me miss but can we have a moment of your two's time?" Another one came out of nowhere making lustfull eyes at the both of them.

Felix went to go stand up but felt a strong hold and was pushed back down. "Your not going anywhere tonight sweetie" a husky voice reached his ear making him shiver.

Tears pricked both of their eyes as they relised what's about to happen to them. Three men surrounded the two, but from far away it just looked like a bunch of friends hanging out. Of course reality was far from it.

The guy from before pulled the thing he was messing with out of his pocket and showed the two what it was. A switch blade.

He kneeled before them making a swift move over his hand. Not moving a bit as blood dripped down his hand. "See how sharp this is?" He smiled while shifting the blade in his hands, looking at it from all sides. "You two better not move then" he teased.

The guy who held Felix chuckled in his ear and leaned closer. The smell of alcohol stinging the youngers nose. The men we're drunk stumbling around the park. They planned to mess with the first people they saw, if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately for Minseok and Felix it meant that they we're the prime targets. Minseok could have ran away knowing self defense from her father but she was too nervous. If she got away the man had a knife what would he do to Felix?

Thoughts filled her head one after the other, worse and worse until she just shut down. Her eyes became hooded and the clearness became foggy. The posture she was in was long gone as she slouched. The man holding her got irritated at her sudden limpness that he smacked the side of her head.

Sadly Minseok couldn't get out of the head space she had fallen into. Felix gasped as her body hit the ground.

"I guess your volunteering yourself now?" The first man waited for awhile as nothing left her mouth. A huge grin grew upon his face. "I'll take that as consenting. So if the police get involved it'll all be legal"

The three men snickered as two of the guys started to touch her, they flipped her still limp body on to her back. Minseok's shirt disheveled and dirty form lying for too long.

Felix started to get up but of course was held back down. "If anything happens to this girl, it'll be all your fault" he said aloud licking the shell of his ear right after.

The younger froze the guilt becoming remember able. This happened before but when and to who? He didn't want something like this to happen again, not being able to do anything as the other got hurt. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something were to happen.

Yes, he just met Minseok, but he wanted to make Chan smile even if that meant he had to bring his ignorant older sister back in one piece.

He shuddered at the thouht of what he was about to do but he stopped caring and forced a cheerful smile at the guy holding him.

"Wait, I want to go first"


Soooo this wasn't what you were expecting right?

Just curious, but what did you guys think was going to happen??

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