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On the evening of that following day, Damon was feeling pensive as he loosely held the phone to his ear, almost zoning out a bit. His eyes were fixed on one of his bedroom walls; not even one that had some pictures and posters on it, it was one that was all blank and boring.

"Damon?" Graham piped up on the other end, bringing him back into the conversation."

"Fuck," Damon cursed himself. "Sorry, Gra."

"You've been doin' that a lot."

"I know, just...Somethin's bothering me."

"Really? Is it the play?"

Damon smirked a little. "No, but good guess. I was just thinking about..."

His voice trailed off. Suddenly he wished he never brought it up. This was a bit embarrassing. But he pressed on.

"I was thinking about Alex."

He could tell that wasn't the answer Graham was expecting. "Alex?" His voice on the other end was surprised, but still interested.

"Yeah, like...Y'know, about yesterday, and...y'know."

"I don't quite think I do."

As if this wasn't embarrassing enough. Now he wasn't even making sense. His absentminded stare at the wall shifted into a glare, as he tried to be more clear. "I was just thinking about-!...y'know, whether you think he likes me or not!"

"Ohhh!" Graham laughed a little. "That's all?"

"Well, yeah. Just wondering and all."

The line was silent for just a second, almost as if he were thinking about what to say. "I think he had a pretty good time yesterday, yeah. He seemed like he did." He said, sounding pretty sure of himself. "But I think if you want the best possible answer, you should ask him yourself."

"Ask him what?! 'Oi, do you think I'm a prick?'"

Graham laughed again. "Alright then, you wanna know what else I think?"

"Let's hear it!"

He could almost sense that Graham was smiling from the other end. "I think you like him a lot."

Blushing slightly, Damon nodded, staring at the wall again. "Yeah," he admitted softly. "Yeah, I do."


Elsewhere, the city sidewalks were illuminated by streetlamps, car headlights and dimly lit flat windows, lighting up the path for Alex and Justine's first date in the longest time. Good thing Alex's ideal date location was within walking distance of his flat.

"Wow," Justine was enthusiastic, walking ahead, though she didn't know the way. "This place is so interesting at night!"

"It gets old after a while." Alex grinned.

"Nahhh, no way!"

Alex couldn't help but smile, seeing her stroll merrily ahead, head turning every which way to get a good look at all the sights, even if there were none. He could tell she had been looking forward to coming. She even looked the part, letting her (albeit, short) hair down and wearing a nice dark blue dress that wasn't too long or too short.

Even he looked pretty good in his white semi-casual dress shirt, slightly loose black tie and plain slacks. The tie really made the outfit, he thought.

He didn't really feel nervous. In fact, he had a good feeling inside. Maybe this evening wouldn't be that bad after all. And maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be distracted by thinking about Damon.

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