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Through the window of the car, the clouds appeared to pass by further into the sky's now muted darkish blue until they were out of sight, replaced by the next ones. Resting his arm on the car door, Alex watched them go past. Or maybe it was them who were going past.

It was probably them, actually.

He would've thought about it more, but after a while, the car had rolled to a halt, and, to his almost disappointment, it looked like the ride was over.

Damon, then Alex and Graham, stepped out and closed their doors behind them, looking up at where they had arrived.

A row of stairs leading to doors, all fairly spaced apart from one another. The stereotypical set of British flats. It was different than Alex's, but he always found the outsides of these apartments aesthetically pleasing. When you saw them on the street, you just knew you were in a British city. And when looking at Damon, it made sense to him that he'd live somewhere like here.

He led Alex and Graham to one of the doors, then reached in his pocket and pulled out a key, promptly using it. Gently, he pushed the door open and stepped inside, the two following behind. It was dark for a split second until Damon flipped on the lights, allowing Alex to look around.

"I haven't been here in forever," Graham said, sounding very comfortable.

"Hasn't changed much." Damon replied.

Alex looked around from where he stood. Directly to the right, near the door, was the kitchen. There was a wall with an opening in it where you could see through to the living room that seperated it from the rest of the flat. It had the standard; some counters, one with a radio on it, a nice oven and fridge, and a table with two chairs directly under a window. Alex wondered how nice it was to be there in the morning, with the warm sun pouring in and a good plate of scrambled eggs. And maybe some orange juice...

...That was odd. Why was he thinking about that, of all things?

Moving on, he found himself in the living room, where Damon and Graham were on the sofa, joking in their usual playful demeanor.

The sofa was against the wall to Alex's right. On the wall to his left was the TV, that wasn't currently on, but looked very nice. He didn't notice what was next to it until Graham pointed it out.

"Woah!" He got up, walking to Alex's side, and pointed at the rectangular item. "You've got a Nintendo?! That wasn't here last time I was here!!"

"When were you last here anyway?" Not even Damon could remember. Still, he walked over to the others as they marveled at the brand new video game system.

"Does it work?! Can we play?!"

"Of course it works! Turn it on, Gra, see for yourself."

Following Damon's instructions, he pushed a button on the front, turning it on. Once the game was up and ready to go, Damon reached behind the TV and grabbed two controllers, then handing one to Graham. Alex looked himself for a third one, but...

"Oh. I forgot. I've only got two." Damon sounded disappointed. "Sorry, mate."

Alex sighed. "S'alright."
Suddenly, Damon perked up. "Hey! Are you lot hungry? I could make something while you two play." He smiled at Alex after he said it.

"Yeah, alright!" Graham agreed. "You make something and I'll be better than Alex at 'Punch-Out' in the meantime." He grinned.

"Oh, come off it! And give me that." Alex replied, then grabbed a controller from Graham, flashing a competitive smirk.

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