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The blaring of his alarm clock had ripped a hole through Alex's sleep, as he forced his eyes open.

Of course it would choose today to work correctly.

Alex's eyelids were heavy, from the exhaustion and the tears of the previous night, but he forced himself up, practically punching the 'dismiss' button on his alarm clock, silencing it.

When he was done getting ready he stepped out of his room toward the door. He heard a light tapping on the window, causing him to look over.

Of course. It was raining.

He glanced over at the umbrella sitting by the door. The one that had once been Damon's. The one that, arguably, started this whole predicament he was in.

He wasn't sure whether to take it or not.

He eventually shook his head, forgetting the umbrella and heading outside.

He hurried along the wet and slippery city sidewalk, clutching his bag over his shoulder, keeping his head down to avoid getting rain in his face. It wasn't long until he finally reached the bus stop and stopped to stand by the sign.

Suddenly, he could hear footsteps coming up beside him.

He didn't want to look. Whoever it was, he didn't care. He kept his head down, the rain still pouring onto him.

"Did you forget your umbrella again?"

His heart stopped.

He looked up, looking to his side, to see Damon, looking equally as drenched and umbrella-less as he was.

Now that he was here...What was there to say?

"Looks like you did too." Alex observed flatly.

Damon stood by his side, looking entirely unbothered by the rain. "I had a feeling I'd see you here."

"Do you want to argue some more? Is that why you're here?"

He frowned. "No."

Alex looked away. "You avoided me last night."

"You act like you weren't doing the same thing," Damon replied, then sighed. "Whatever. I think whatever we're supposed to be doing, we're doing it wrong."

The taller boy nodded slowly. He couldn't argue with that. He felt it too.

"Justine's gone back to Bournemouth." Alex informed him. "She wanted to get back together before she left."

"And?" Damon asked.

"I said no."

He blinked. "Really?" The way he asked sounded like he was only half-surprised. "How come?"

That question had been on his mind a lot lately as well, ever since it happened. He'd had quite some time to think about it. Now, as he stood there, he was starting to think it was becoming more and more clear.

"Because," he started. His eyes began to well with tears, blending in synchronously with the rain hitting his cheek. "I can't stop thinking about you." He paused, trying to form words from his thoughts. "That's how it always has been. I can try to fight it all I want, but the truth stays the exact same." He finally looked over at him, his pleading eyes looking right at Damon's. "It's you that I want, Damon."

At first, he was silent, until he finally gave Alex a small smile. "I've known what I want ever since that day we talked. I was just waiting on you."

A smile spread across Alex's face. A smile of hope.

Instantly the two locked each other into a tight embrace, followed by a long, slow kiss. It was as if they were the only ones on the street, like the passersby and the speeding cars were just tricks of the air, like the pouring rain drenching the both of them was all part of the tidal wave of newfound peace felt by both parties.

The rest of the world was only brought back into the picture when a loud honking noise erupted from in front of them. When Alex pulled away, he was met with the sight of the bus he'd forgotten entirely about, door open, waiting for him. Not to mention the very disgruntled-looking bus driver, who most likely didn't appreciate being held up by PDA at 7 o'clock in the morning in the pouring rain.

"Oh, God," Alex blushed, looking at Damon. "S-Sorry!" He apologized to the driver, stepping up to the door. Before he stepped up to get on, he looked back at his now boyfriend, holding out his hand. "Come with me!"

"My bus is the one after this one, remember?"

"Oh, bollocks, who cares, come on!" He grinned.

That must have been enough to convince him, seeing as Damon took his hand and was lifted up onto the step.

By the time they sat down and the bus was in motion, they were soaked head-to-toe in rain, dripping all over the bus, but they just couldn't find it in them to care. They'd dry by the time they got to school. It'll be fine.

Alex felt Damon squeeze his hand as he gazed out the window at the now moving city.

He was beginning to come to the conclusion that he loved him.

He squeezed back, offering to him one last kiss on the cheek.

Perhaps he probably did.


A/N: AHHH sorry this chapter is a little short hehe,,,, buuuuuUUTT THE END!!!! after soooo long of this story being ongoing it's finally finished!!!!! i want to thank everyone who's stuck with this story this long but most of all i want to thank everyone who's read it, so thank you so much :']]] i'm definitely gonna write more dalex in the future, so pls stay tuned for that if you're interested!!! once again thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed <3333 love you all xx

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