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The rest of the day was passing through like an afternoon breeze. If anything interesting had happened, Alex wasn't paying attention; his mind was constantly preoccupied thinking about what he had planned after school.

He was going to see Damon again. If all went well, he'd have a chance to get properly acquainted with him.

What should he say? Should he try to just act cool?

...Why was he so concerned with how Damon would perceive him, anyways?

As he sat in his last class, his head was filled with questions.

"Ah," a sudden voice cut through his cloud of thoughts. "There you go again, thinking about something."

Alex looked over to his left side, where his mate, Adam, was smirking at him in the seat next to his.

"What, do I not normally think?" Alex replied, though his voice still sounded distracted.

Adam laughed. "I bet you're thinking about Justine, aren't you!"

Alex almost cringed at the mention of the name, his girlfriend's, though he wasn't sure what reason he had to.

Justine Andrews was everything he'd ever wanted. He cared deeply for Justine. It's just that ever since he moved away from Bournemouth, he'd been thinking about her less. He supposed it was inevitable; she lived nearly two hours away now, they never saw each other, and they only ever spoke through letters or on the phone. Not to mention how Alex was busy in his first year of college. Still trying to make time for her was almost beginning to feel like a chore. But he had to do it. He loved Justine. He wasn't going to let a little distance (physical, and, perhaps, emotional) come between them. Not after all they'd been through.

But he wasn't about to tell Adam all of that. Not today.

"What gave it away?" Alex decided to just play along.

"It's obvious," his friend replied, his smirk turning into a grin. "You get that look on your face."

Alex's cheeks turned a light shade of pink from slight embarrassment. Was it that noticeable?

But wait, why did he make "that face" when thinking about Damon, anyways?

Great, Alex thought to himself, as he rolled his eyes and turned back toward the front of the room. More questions.


His head was lost in thought right until class was over. Once it had finally concluded was when he immediately perked up, quickly grabbing his things and exiting.

All he needed to do now was find Graham, which wasn't difficult, seeing as he was waiting outside the room for him.

Graham flashed him a smile as soon as he was close to him. "You ready?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm just handing him back his umbrella." Alex played it off like it wasn't that big of a deal (perhaps it really wasn't), but on the inside, he was just a little nervous. Maybe Graham could tell, or maybe he couldn't; he didn't bring it up, which Alex was partly thankful for.

The Musical Composition room was on the other end of the campus, but the walk over there gave him time to compose himself. The fact that Damon was in such a class made Alex curious; he must have an interest in music. Even better; he must have an interest in making it. This made Alex excited. That was something they already had in common.

When they finally reached the room, the door was open, from where the students from the previously held class had all left. There was only one person left inside the decently sized space, who was sticking a notebook inside his bag, his messy light-colored hair hanging down in front of his eyes.

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