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Just as predicted the afternoon before, a new day brought in tow a brand new barrage of rain.

However, this time, it wasn't a problem for Alex. Smiling down fondly at Damon's umbrella given to him yesterday, he picked it up and headed out the door of his flat. Seeing the umbrella only further reminded him that, unlike most days, he had plans later on, and he couldn't be any more excited.

The thought buzzed around in his head all the way to the bus stop at the street. When he got there, no one else was around, but almost immediately after he stopped walking he heard footsteps coming towards him. As he gazed out at the street, his umbrella shielding him, he noticed the footsteps cease after a moment or two.

"You look familiar."

Alex whipped his head around when he heard the sudden voice. The voice that belonged to a slightly shorter boy with light-colored hair and a certain attitude unlike any other.

Alex smirked at him. "Hey, Damon."

Damon stood close to him as they waited together. "Cold, isn't it?"

Small talk.

Alex nodded. "Usually is." He was almost a little disappointed, like he expected a little more conversation-wise. But then again, he still didn't know him that well yet.

A moment or two passed until Damon spoke again, this time presenting a new topic. "You still coming later tonight?"
Alex looked over at him, smiling. "Yeah, of course. 7, right?"


"Okay." He nodded. "We'll be there."

The silence that kept plaguing their conversation was practically deafening. It seemed, for some reason, it was easier to talk to Damon when Graham was around. It made it less awkward; less quiet.

Would he ever be able to talk to Damon without needing him there?

The sound of wheels rolling down the soaked street was within earshot now, causing Alex to turn around. Sure as ever, it was his bus.

Hm. That's unusual. It's early today. But Alex for sure wasn't complaining.

As he stepped forward, prepared to get on once it stopped, he looked back at Damon. "I'll see you later."

Damon just winked in reply. A feeling fluttered in the bottom of Alex's stomach before he turned away and sat down. He leaned his head back on the window and stared up at the bus ceiling, sighing.

The feeling inside him burned for another moment before fading out as the bus rolled into motion. He almost wanted to look back at Damon through the window, but ultimately decided against it. Whatever that weird feeling was, he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to feel it again. He had to fight back the urge to groan in annoyance at himself; what even was that conversation? Damon probably thought he was boring now.

He looked down at his umbrella, Damon's umbrella, folded up, raindrops sliding off the side forming small puddles on the floor.

Maybe later he'd get a chance to redeem himself.


The rain could still be heard pummeling the ground below from the warm interior of the university lunch hall. Alex usually liked eating his lunch outside, but today staying inside was a much drier alternative. Sitting across from him at a circular table with two other empty seats on either side was who else but Graham, who was more concerned with the piece of paper currently in his hand than his food.

"I don't even fucking believe it!" Graham set the paper down with a firm thwap, revealing it to be his art grade. "10 points off of my painting grade because a bit of rain fell on it. It's times like this I wonder why I'm even here."

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