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When his eyes opened up the morning after and were met by the sight of Damon's living room ceiling, it took Alex a moment to remember how he'd gotten there.

He could hear a low hum of an air conditioner nearby, some birds chirping outside, and a bit of a bustle going on in the kitchen. Glancing over at the TV, he saw Damon's Nintendo, causing him to smile, and causing the memory of last night to return.

His eyes then turned to himself, as he looked down and noticed a fuzzy blanket covering him. He felt like he remembered how he'd gotten it, but at the same time, it was a little fuzzy. Had Damon given it to him?

Did he and Damon finally get to talk alone?

As his hungover brain hit a dead end trying to retrieve that memory, a sudden burst of headache struck him. "Shit," he muttered to himself."

A call sounded out from the kitchen. "Alex! You awake?"


"Great! Get in here!"

Another voice from the kitchen was quieter than the first. "Ahg, not so loud, please, Damon."

Forcing himself up, Alex folded the blanket up and set it neatly on the couch. His hand on his head, trying to nurse his headache, he made his way toward his two friends.

As he approached, he took in the scene of the kitchen. The curtains were pushed to each side of the kitchen window, allowing the sunlight to pour in, accompanied by the sounds of cars passing by on the street and trees rustling ever so gently in the morning breeze.

Damon had one hand on the handle of a frying pan, while the other hand was sprinkling some salt over the dish he was cooking. A coffee mug was sitting idle on the counter next to him. The radio was playing some cheery tune that Alex wasn't awake enough to recognize right away. It was amazing how Damon had such a pep in his step, compared to the other two, even though they had all drank a considerable amount. Setting the salt shaker down, he looked over at Alex, giving him a smile. "G'morning."

He smiled back. "Morning. Are those scrambled eggs?"

Damon nodded. "Hope you like them. Graham said you did, but then again, when he's in that state, you never can be sure."

Alex turned to see Graham at the table, his head resting on his folded arms, groaning. "Can I have another coffee?"

He smiled as Damon quickly poured Graham a cup and set it down by his side. "There you are." He walked back over to the stovetop, keeping close watch on the eggs cooking. "Once you finish breakfast, I'll take you home. I just didn't want you two to leave on an empty stomach."

As Graham sipped his cup of coffee, Alex took the seat across from him at the table. However, he quickly noticed a problem. The table only had two chairs.

Now he was wishing he hadn't sat down. How rude of him to take the chair of the person who lives there! What would he do now? This nervous feeling beginning to brew in his stomach, along with the hangover, was proving to be a dreadful combination.

Right away, Damon noticed too, as he turned around, carrying two plates of scrambled eggs. "Oh, right, I didn't think about that." He shrugged. "Oh well, I'll stand."

Alex raised his hand slightly in protest. "No, no, mate, it's your house, I'll stand."

"Nonsense! You're a guest!"

"No, really, I insist!"

Graham grumbled, his head still down, clutching his coffee cup. "Make up your mind, will you lot?"

Before Alex could say anything else, Damon set down a plate of eggs in front of him; along with a napkin, out of courtesy. He looked up at him, their eyes meeting.

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