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The sky was tinted a mixture of gray and faded blue, the cool wind was sending a chill through the leaves of the trees, and Alex was currently very very close to being late.

His footsteps were rapid on the city sidewalk as his right hand nervously clutched the strap of the bag resting over his shoulder. It felt heavier than usual; as if he needed anything else to weigh him down.

It was unbelievable. Even after several weeks of being back in school, he was still accidentally oversleeping. Curse that alarm clock, why did it never do its job?...Aside from the fact that Alex had gotten fed up with it one exhausting morning and took the batteries out of it?

Silently cursing himself for doing that, he tried to keep his focus on walking. He just hoped with all his might that it wouldn't rain. That was the last thing he needed on the one day he decided against packing an umbrella.

Though it was only 7 AM, there was a fair amount of cars breezing by on the otherwise empty streets, occasionally sending a small gust of wind through Alex's dark, somewhat messy hair. Seeing as there was still very little traffic, that means the bus couldn't possibly take very long to get to him, could it?

Finally reaching his destination, Alex stopped his walking to stand idle by a metal sign that was just a little taller than him. There was nothing left to do now but wait, which proved itself to be a difficult task when you were that close to being late.

His eyes repeatedly shifted from his watch to the street corners then back to his watch in a seemingly endless cycle of impatience.

At this rate, he was definitely going to be late for French class.

Looking up at the cloudy sky, his eyes seemed to ask a question; Where is that bloody bus?

The sky answered with a sudden drop of water colliding with the tip of his nose, followed by another, and another after that...

Before he knew it, rain was pouring down from the sky as if it hadn't rained in years. Alex audibly groaned in annoyance. That wasn't the answer he was looking for.

As the rain was barreling down from the sky, there still seemed to be no sign of the bus. At this point, he began to consider turning back around and just taking the day off. But the sound of faint footsteps within earshot getting closer briefly interrupted his thought process. He turned his head around when he heard the steps coming up behind him.

A somewhat shorter boy who looked about his same age, his hair a light shade of brown, clutching a dark-colored umbrella walked up beside him. Alex looked at the object in his hand enviously, but his expression lightened when he looked down at the boy's face. He had soft blue eyes that blended perfectly with the misty, gray sky, and a rather nice nose that scrunched up for a split second as he blinked and then gave him a polite smile.

"Did you sleep in too?"

Alex looked away, a little embarrassed. "Yeah." He admitted. "Second time this month. You'd think I'd learn." He kept his head facing the ground to avoid getting the rain in his face. He knew his hair would be in a rut the moment he got indoors.

The other boy chuckled. "And of course it had to rain, on top of that." He looked to the other direction as he spoke. "I'm getting on the next bus after this one. I'll have to be out here a while."

Alex observed his voice as he spoke. It was a perfect mixture of melodic and deep, forming words that came out calm and smooth. He quickly took a liking to hearing this mysterious boy talk. He wondered what else he had to say.

He shivered where he stood as the cold rain continued to fall onto his skin. It brought him back into reality, and back into wishing that bus would hurry up. Until suddenly the rain wasn't hitting him anymore, causing him to finally raise his head up.

The dark umbrella was now being held above him, shielding him. Instantly, he looked over to the boy standing next to him, who was now standing much closer. He had to extend his arm upwards a little more in order to fit him under it, but he made it work.

He smiled. "I thought you needed it."

Alex returned the smile to show his appreciation. He definitely wasn't wrong. "T-Thanks, mate."

It was unusual, standing this close to a total stranger, but Alex wasn't complaining. It saved him from getting even more drenched, at least. Plus, something about him gave Alex a good feeling. There wasn't anything to be afraid of.

"Oh, wait," the boy holding the umbrella suddenly spoke up. "I probably should've mentioned it." He laughed a little. "My name's Damon."

Hearing Damon's laugh made Alex feel different now that he had a name to associate with it. In fact, he was now beginning to pay a bit more attention.

He was actually kind of...


The taller boy snapped himself out of his thoughts when he realized he hadn't responded. "Alex." He replied. "It's short and easy to remember."

Damon nodded, giving him a grin. "I think I'll remember."

The rain was still falling, but Alex was beginning to feel just a little warmer as he sat under the umbrella, glancing back at the street. Suddenly, he heard tires skidding and faint metal clanking coming fast from around the corner.

There it finally was.

"Oh!" Alex stood up straighter when he saw it, stepping out from under the umbrella so he could be seen, and then turning back to Damon. "Well, uh, I've got to go now. My ride and all that." He grinned awkwardly. He was cursing himself for not being able to create better conversation. What kind of explanation was that?

As the bus grew nearer, Damon suddenly passed the handle he was holding over to him, their roles now reversed as the rain was now coming onto Damon instead. "Here, you keep it."

Alex's eyes widened as he tried to pass it back to him. "Oh, no, I can't-"

"Really, it's fine! You look like you could use it." He insisted, looking at the boy's drenched appearance and giggling a little. "I've got a spare in my dorm room, anyways."

Before Alex could protest any more, the bus had already arrived to them and stopped, its doors flying open as soon as it came to a halt. He couldn't risk being any more late than he already was. He had to get a move on.

"T-Thank you!" He quickly said to Damon, who seemed pleased. "If I see you around, I'll give it back!"

"Well, go on, then!"

He didn't need to be told twice. In a flash, he got the umbrella down to its original form and stepped up onto the bus, sitting down onto the first open seat he saw upon entering. Holding the item he'd be given, which was beginning to drip a few stray raindrops onto the floor, he looked out the window at Damon one last time before the vehicle was in motion and speeding away.

He let out a sigh when he looked down at himself, his dark clothes now darker from the rain. He hoped they would dry off before he arrived.

But most of all, he silently hoped he would see Damon again. He had something that belonged to him, so perhaps now he had to.

Alex smiled to himself at the thought.

That wouldn't be so bad.
A/N: woah great another blur fic OWJQOQJQDKWJ AS IF I NEEDED TO START ANOTHER well yknow what dalex deserves the love it's an underrated ship 🤧🤧🤧🤧 I'M STILL WORKING ON RCH DON'T WORRY THIS IS JUST SOMETHING I'LL WORK ON ON THE SIDE!!! UNTIL THAT FIC ENDS THEN I GUESS I'LL FOCUS MAINLY ON THIS ONE anyway nobody asked but yea!!!! hope you all like this so far let me know if you want me to continue it!! OK I'LL SHUT UP BYE SKSJSKSKW :] <3333

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