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Alex's eyes fluttered open. Immediately met with the glare of the morning sun through the bedroom window, he squinted, until his vision adjusted and he could see more clearly. Slowly he sat up to see around the room better.

Damon's bedroom looked different than it had last night. The lamp was now off. The play script was now scattered on the desk instead of sitting in a neatly folded stack. There were articles of clothing on the floor...

Alex looked down at himself, face-to-face with his bare chest.

Articles of clothing that were probably his.

A low groan was heard, coming from next to him, causing him to look over. Damon had stirred awake, turning over to face him. His light-colored hair was messier than usual, hanging over blue, half-lidded eyes that were looking right at him.

"Oh...Good morning."

He sounded so nonchalant about the whole thing.

"Morning." Alex replied.

He wasn't sure what to say next, until a dull stinging sensation gave him another reply.

"You scratched the shit out of my back."

Damon just laughed. "You're welcome."

He sat up, so he and Alex were at eye-level, or as eye-level as they could be, due to Alex's towering height.

The taller boy moved his fringe out of his eyes with his hand, blowing out a sigh. "But really," he said now in a more quiet voice. "I had...a good time."

Damon playfully raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I bet you did. If I remember correctly, you described the experience as-"

Alex shushed him loudly, blushing like mad. "You don't need to remind me, I was there, after all!"

His friend just laughed again. His laugh was like music to his ears.

He sat for just a moment to admire him. Damon didn't seem to mind.

Things were lovely until a sudden memory struck Alex.


Oh, God. Justine.

She was probably still at his flat, wondering where the hell he was.

And the longer he waited, the more awkward that conversation would be when he returned.

Though he really didn't want to, he pulled back the covers of the bed and slowly stood up.

He could hear the smirk in Damon's voice. "Going so soon?"

"Well," Alex was picking his clothes up off the floor and trying to quickly get dressed. "I've got...School stuff to do."

"It's Saturday."

"So it is."

Damon shook his head. "Well, I won't stop you."

The taller boy threw on his t-shirt in record speed, and with that, he considered himself ready to head out. But before he left, he turned to look at his friend one more time.

"I'll...I'll call you later, alright?"

He smiled at him. "I'll be waiting."

Before he left, Alex gave Damon one last kiss, though he was in such a rush it was more just like a brief brushing of the lips. Immediately afterwards he was darting out the door.

He swore he could hear Damon speak to him as he was walking away, but he didn't have any time to dwell on it.


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